By Anon - 09/02/2016 12:39 - United States - Toledo

Today, I got into a car accident. The other driver was going so fast that when we hit, our cars positioned themselves to make it look like it was all my fault. He keeps blaming me for everything and the position of the cars doesn't help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 1 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should explain what happened because usually the actions leading up to the accident can help explain what happened. Also there may be marks on the pavement to explain tire movement.

I hate people that can't take responsibility for their actions.


I hate people that can't take responsibility for their actions.

Unfortunately, when it involves things like money and insurance, people tend to shy away from doing so. Sad, but true. On a side note, I had a head-on collision in which a guy drove into oncoming traffic and nearly plowed his Dodge Ram's wheels into the windshield of my Honda Civic. If either of us was going any faster, I would be dead. Fortunately (and rightfully), they ruled it in my favor.

Tbh, that doesn't seem like a hard judgement to make, if he was driving in the wrong lane.

Of course not. But the guy was still making excuses. Fortunately, he apologized.

The problem is, in an accident, usually both parties genuinely think they were in the right. I mean unless it's something obvious like someone was texting on their phone or crossed lanes or something. I just hate how if you're in an accident both people get so angry and want to rip each other's heads off. It's called an "accident" for a reason. It's not like anybody wants to break their car and endanger anybody. Again, unless someone was being blatantly stupid. People just go into a rage sometimes. And especially if there were road conditions that caused it like ice or something, then even more reason why it's called an accident.

gabechriswill 19

Maybe none willing to stay, unfortunately.

If it's an accident where no one was hurt then people don't generally stop. They don't just wait around to wait for the police and tell them what they saw. Unfortunately.


You should explain what happened because usually the actions leading up to the accident can help explain what happened. Also there may be marks on the pavement to explain tire movement.

I have explained to the cops but it isn't up to the policemen to lay judgement. It's the job of the insurance companies to fight it out to see who's to blame. Thanks for the advice

The police might not have a say in where the blame lies, but their report is used as evidence in the insurance case I assume. So if the report says basically says it's the other guys fault, then they can't really go against that. Although I assume there are a lot of cases where the police can't tell who was in the wrong, so there would be no blame laid anywhere.

Well then move your car to make it seem like it's his fault

trellz17 19

They should make those mandatory in the U.S.

NY doesnt have dashcams around for evidence :(

Check to see if there were any traffic cameras in the area, and then moonwalk away in glory.

I'm assuming that means he was losing control of the car? I'm not sure how that could happen otherwise