Teenage Riot

By Anonymous - 21/12/2021 02:01

Today, I got home from my tour of duty. The first thing my teen daughter said to me was could she have some money, because mom won’t give her anymore since she got caught using her allowance to buy weed. Not even a "Hello" or tears of joy to see me, just a demand for drug money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 413
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You won't want to hear this but I always vote that “you deserved it” when it’s a kid being an a$$hat. You chose to have it and they’re a product of their upbringing. Ultimately the blame is on you and/or the mother. It sucks to hear, I’m sorry to be the one to point it out, and I’ll get downvoted to hell for it, but someone had to say it so you can alter how you and her mom parent her.

Dirtysalamander1 13

not always like that. you can't control every single variable in their life. and if you try to. they might come out ignorant, bitter or scared.


You won't want to hear this but I always vote that “you deserved it” when it’s a kid being an a$$hat. You chose to have it and they’re a product of their upbringing. Ultimately the blame is on you and/or the mother. It sucks to hear, I’m sorry to be the one to point it out, and I’ll get downvoted to hell for it, but someone had to say it so you can alter how you and her mom parent her.

Dirtysalamander1 13

not always like that. you can't control every single variable in their life. and if you try to. they might come out ignorant, bitter or scared.

How long were you playing video games before you went home? No wonder your kid smokes weed -- you spend more time on Xbox than with her! Wait, that's "Call of Duty..." Never mind.

cpguru24 16

That sucks and is hurtful. You are going to have to make the effort and try to connect. And she needs that now more than ever. Remember she is the child. It may not be easy but think about when she is passed this phase, you will want her to think back and say even though she was an ass, you were always there and loved her no matter what. Good Luck op!