By Nessa - 18/02/2018 19:30 - New Zealand

Today, I got robbed. They took my stereo and laptop, but they left my car and a note that reads "Wtf is this?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 268
You deserved it 375

Top comments

That is classic, I never heard of that before. I’m impressed with these guys. Sorry for your loss OP, the stuff you can replace. The bright side! You can get new stuff.

Stick shift? Probably couldn't get it out of the spot. 😂


JustALesbian 16

Take it to a the police station and check if they can do anything with the not

That is classic, I never heard of that before. I’m impressed with these guys. Sorry for your loss OP, the stuff you can replace. The bright side! You can get new stuff.

Stick shift? Probably couldn't get it out of the spot. 😂

You need to work harder and spend your earnings to get a better car. We must always impress our car thieves! That’s how capitalism is supposed to work.

DraftHail614 17
AznAznAzn 6

What I really don't get about people is that they press YDI, even if there is no way that it is OP's fault... Am I the only one who is bothered by this? Or am I just too serious about it

Lobby_Bee 17

Having a car that attracts attention isn't such a great idea.

Very, very true. I have an 89 Chevy Silverado in excellent condition w a couple upgrades like duel exhaust and chrome. I have gotten a couple offers to buy it off me but I turned them down. I love my truck and worked very hard to buy it outright. It is also the only thing of value I own. That being said, the damn cops see me coming a mile away. I can't speed since poor old Susan doesn't gave a lot of get up and go but that does not stop the cops. Some wires got worn out and killed the tail light BAM fix it ticket, ended up getting the wires replaced. On accident put the tags on the wrong plate, front instead of back BAM improperly labeled license plate ticket. Parked on the street in front of my house BAM parking ticket. My street is not posted as having parking restrictions so I'm fighting this one. I'm fairly certain the cops see a truck and just ticket it out of spite. I have had my license for 9 years and never got a ticket until I got this truck. I'm going to loose my damn mind.

MamaChey 24

WTF is this? Your reply has nothing to do about OP or the other posts. The only connection that I see is that you both own cars...

They left a same note stuck to me, during my kidnapping.😳🙈