By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


mintcar 9

Why are you working on your British accent? If it isn't natural, it might sound terrible. Though I gotta say, British accents are pretty hot. :D

If you're bored go do something! Go play a video game, you might like it.

Well, as long as you're not actually British that's okay I guess.

maybe u have too much spare time?

Sorry, I just saw the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. I know most Brits do not speak like this.

xGraycloud 4

so you're seriously bored, eh? and you couldn't think of anything else to do but work on your british accent? you that desperate?

LittleMissBroken 11

British isn't an accent, its English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh.

Moobug 4

With multiple accents within those too.

tweetbaby14 18

and even those have their own little separate branches of the accent( I had to study them in my theatre class). still I think that southern American accents are pretty amazing. I'm kind of turned off when it comes to English guys for my own reasons....

Glaswegian, boohmingham and geordie too ;)