By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


prettygabbie 0

I have a British accent ;) haha

I'm English. And yeah I personally say bloody a lot. But guv'na? spot of tea? you wanna get more modern. like bollocks. that's my personal favourite at the minute. :)

PapaCool_fml 0

Are u going to play a villain ?

I've spent my whole life working on mine, being British and all. Just watch British TV and imitate it?

nothing wrong with that, we all do it. never know when your gonna need it!

Hmm you must not be doing a very good job.. You didn't type your FML in British

mylifepwnz 0

not an FML. just about everyone I know would post this on mlia

Which one? England has dozens of accents, Wales has about three or four, Scotland has about four, Ireland maybe two. Which accent? London isnt the only bloody British place you plonker.

#188 : Ireland maybe two? Hardly. I live in the north of Ireland in Derry and there is 2 there alone. That's not even counting Belfast, Armagh, Tyrone etc...

how many times do we have to tell you Americans that there's no such thing as a 'british' accent :L

Go watch Monty Python's Search For The Holy Grail...better use of your time.