By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


cheerio ! and all that bloody nonsense

sugarglitterkiss 4

wow you sound like a really boring person.

There's no such thing as a 'British' accent! Britain is made up of Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales and each of these place have a completely different accent as well a the fact that each region within each of these places also have a different dialect! it's like saying people from Guatemala have the same accent as canadians, mexicans, jamaicans, and the U.S just because they're all part of 'America'. Why are some people so clueless FML

The posh English accent is associated with the term "british accent." Get the **** over it.

budd28 0

lol ( good day mates ) british accent voice*

stoneywoney 3

are u british? .. if yes, why are u worried?

rawrrawrrachael 0

hey I have dome that. I think it is really good. oh wait nobody cares xP