By WartCream - 18/08/2013 00:27 - United States - Olathe

Today, I was watching TV with my boyfriend, when a weird wart-removal ad came on. He watched in disgust as the lady's wart said rude things to her. Then he looked at me and said seriously, "I'm glad yours don't talk..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 652
You deserved it 4 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was pretty rude, but at least he has a sense of humor. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


I've never understood why some people don't remove them. Why keep them when there's so many different ways to get rid of them. It looks kinda nasty. OP, take your boyfriend's hint.

I had a wort on my finger and had it for years before I finally decided to do something about it and I will tell you it hurt and didn't even completely remove it (it is starting to grow back

It was pretty rude, but at least he has a sense of humor. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I assume he was just trying to be hilarious.

I'm sure this is only a bump in your relationship. Wart are you gonna do?

@22 It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the joke! *whoosh*

flockz 19

ooooo that was cold enough to... well.... freeze your warts off.

AnOriginalName 19

I think it was actually a burn. Can we get Kelso in here to validate that, please?

I scream, you scream, we all scream for wart cream.

why did this get negatives its kinda clever, i mean in like an 13 year ods kinda way but hey still clever.

It's actually a skit from Saturday night live. Except for wart cream, it was originally ****** cream. Which sounds better in my opinion. And sometimes immature humor is the best kind :p

You're profile picture is fake and you should feel fake

Wart if it starts talking to him or you. Wart are you going to do! I'm just like your boyfriend, I'm wartified of them!

Then his sentence would have been, "I'm glad yours does not talk" That is grammatically incorrect. You are a fail grammar nazi. He used the proper contraction. "I'm glad yours do not talk"

Cheer up OP! Warts aren't a bad thing at all, and they're easy to treat, I'm sure your boyfriend meant no harm in what he said.

Become a ventriloquist. Once you're popular enough, you can get your very own commercial.

Your picture was my reaction to your comment.

hcollins1 18

I don't know, I don't think those people in the wart commercials are ventriloquists. If she were to become one, I'm sure she doesn't have to become popular to get a commercial, just find an agent.