What word was it?

By BigBall - 09/09/2023 20:00 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, a tourist from an English-as-second-language country taught me a new word. In English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 142
You deserved it 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clumzrino 8

Depends a bit on the word but… so what? You don’t need to know every word of English to know the language.

Well now I have to ask, what was the word? I’m hoping it’s a good one, like “defenestration” or “exsanguinated”..


clumzrino 8

Depends a bit on the word but… so what? You don’t need to know every word of English to know the language.

Well now I have to ask, what was the word? I’m hoping it’s a good one, like “defenestration” or “exsanguinated”..

on time I was doing Spanish homework that included a Spanish to English section that used a word for "wave" (like ocean wave) that I've never heard before. I looked it up and it was an archaic word that I've never seen again. chalk it up to where they learned something not them necessarily knowing more English than you. also who cares

Was it shit? Piss? ****? ****? Cocksucker? ************? ****? Fart? Turd? Twat?