By Anonymous - 08/01/2011 15:15 - Australia

Today, while on my break at work, my workmates convinced me to perform my "Indian accent" piece. Everyone laughed while I was doing it. Everyone, that is, but my Indian boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 430
You deserved it 40 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your boss performed his "firing his insolent underling's stupid ass" piece.

They weren't laughing at you anyway. They were laughing at the fact that your boss was standing behind you.


Sammy_Baby 0

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true, it's not racist to play around with different accents. if you start going into stereotypes, it's not 'cool', but hopefully op didn't go crazy with it.

fakeaccountX 6

As long as you didn't talk about convenience stores and tech support, you should be ok.

0opsie 6

#17: That's very true. But something tells me he actually did go into stereotypes. Probably the fact that he called it a "piece" and "performed" it. Either way, it was a stupid decision to do it when he knew his boss was Indian.

xstolix 1

Was it break time at 7/11 lol or maybe some cab company hahaha. But YDI non the less

#45, You're being extremely hypocritical for calling someone a "redneck" over a joke involving race. "Hurrhurr you think racist jokes are funny lol REDNECK lol"

45- we don't have rednecks here down under. We have bogans in vl's brah.

Haha im indian and i think its funny when people do "the accent"(even though i dont have one

xMafia 0

I hope your boss performed his "firing his insolent underling's stupid ass" piece.

IF the boss didn't, the OP is very lucky. That is lawsuit material right there

Lawsuit material? The world's gone mad! It was a joke-a mighty stupid one at that, but a joke all the same. Getting fired is maybe fair enough but a lawsuit? That's just being silly.

it's a joke dumbass and it's isn't lawsuit material you reyard

if your going to start calling people that at least spell it rifht

iseywisey 0

Fonz, if you're going to try to correct people who are correcting people incorrectly, at least do it correctly yourself. I've seen too many Grammar Nazi failures in the past few days. Leave the naziing up to the Nazis, please. My head ******* hurts.

am i the onky one that can spell here?! ;)

hysterical 1

I really hope that you did that on purpose.

It'd be sad if he/she fires you because of that.

404wan 19

no, it would be correct. this is extremely unprofessional and disrespectful behaviour.

They weren't laughing at you anyway. They were laughing at the fact that your boss was standing behind you.

nerdwithagun 0

That was.....kind of stupid on your part.

giantsfan2010 23

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Let's work together to bring this comment up to the positives!

KristinaKreme 0

You had it coming. Coworkers/workmates never laugh with you, just at you. You were practically begging for it especially when you knew your boss was Indian. You deserve it, idiot.