By ari - 17/06/2011 11:06 - United States

Today, I woke up to NYPD detectives banging on my door with flashlights, looking for some criminal who used to live in my house. Apparently, when they showed the man's mugshot to my neighbors upstairs, for some reason they identified the man as my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 649
You deserved it 3 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luis72091 0

you're married to a criminal lol

Used to? Maybe your husband is like the Craiglist killer and you just don't know it


fyl you shouldn't have married the achmed the animal ******

luis72091 0

you're married to a criminal lol

bravesfan112233 0
Agiggleaday 0

...Or maybe he is a criminal but hes a master of disguise.

craigslist killer! lol well at least they didn't show up with pointed guns

TheEricCartman 0

My friend Kyle was arrested by Apple once, it was so COOL!

^ i was about to ask if your bane was Cartmen, and then I realized it was:) Ps: I love ur name

I wonder what the crimes committed were.

Admit it!! You killed him didn't you!!!

jamieleigh_315 0

#67 isnt that you in the picture ???

#67 isn't that you in the pic ????

lovinj 2

ouch!!!!! you just got burned!!!!

alexg823 0
secret_dragon 0

you should report your neighbours to the police

read the FML more carefully before you post comments like this

think more before you post comments at all. secret dragon was clearly saying that to get back at the neighbors.

marix54888 0

well it doesn't say my neighbor upstairs, it say's my neighbors upstairs. so NYPD showed the picture to OP's neighbors upstairs, not her neighbors.

101 is probably saying that op lived in a apartment

Used to? Maybe your husband is like the Craiglist killer and you just don't know it

A7X_LoVeee 10

Hey, I saw that movie on Lifetime!

imacreeper 3
A7X_LoVeee 10

I would say 98% of Lifetime movies are.

1215116a 14

This has nothing to do with the FML, but why is your profile picture of a dissected animal?

maybe he has a secret life. he is a criminal and when he says he is going to work he is really doing illegal activities.

kiketag 0

remember everything hitler did was legal

sparta98 4

Actually, 74, I think Hitler was guilty of Homocide by Omission. Since he was married to Eva Braun, he had legal obligations to care for her, which he failed to fulfill.

Surferbro 5

Dude you ****** up in real estate

somebody is not telling you something....

Either your neighbours were half asleep, your neighbours are evil or you husband's not telling you something.

OceanBreathesSal 5
BigHoshJosh 0

you shouldn't have gave your neighbor crabgrass. that ***** annoying!

Im not a grammar nazi but you shouldnt have given....

BigHoshJosh 0