By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point
xd3box tells us more.
I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?
Top comments
I think his lungs are doing fine, too
OP already said that. We don't need a parrot.
Someone seemed a little desperate to nab that first comment
Lol look at all that hate for # 1.
charge him for an assault. no matter what you say he is in no position to lay hands on you. if he smokes in public and a nonsmoker has to feel the smoke, you had a right to say what u think about it. Has all fml hipsters really gone insane? They always condone violence like eleven year old schoolboys after watching too much tv.
I agree that he shouldn't have used violence and that OP has freedom of speech, but OP's comment was uncalled for. What makes a non-smoker so much better than a smoker? YDI
If you want to make a comment on somebodies habit, you should be prepared to accept the possibility that their response might not be something you like, that is the flipside of free speech. Personally, I think if murder were punished more harshly, and fist fights punished less harshly, we'd have fewer murders.
so basically I can start beating people down if they say something I might not like ( yeah it basically comes down to this). ANd its extra fun if I am trained for that kind of stuff so I can do more damage. Oh and I could also add that you should be prepared to get such a reaction from strangers because **** you and this works as excuse for me to do whatever I want because you started fiiiirstt!!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWTF, FML? 18, I totally agree with you. The fact that so many people keep thumbing you down is scary. Ok, first, violence is never the answer unless used as self-defense. The people saying that it's justified here because the guy got offended seriously need to go back to elementary school. In a civilized society, people don't assault others when they get offended. Freedom of speech means that OP can be a dick, and the guy can be a dick back to him, but neither can attack the other because they're "offended." By your logic, OP should have punched the guy instead of saying something sarcastic, because he was "offended" by his smoking. Why is it the OP's business? I personally don't think it is, because I don't see smoking in public as a much bigger issue than babies crying in public or people talking on cell phones in public, but you could still make the case that it's a nuisance. It smells gross, it could negatively affect someone with asthma, and, well... second hand smoke, people. And when there's a nuisance, like the other examples I mentioned, people should be able to comment on it or complain without being attacked. I would hate to be punched by an angry mother because I sighed when her baby wouldn't stop crying. And besides, saying that it smells like lung cancer isn't even really an insult. It's a fact that smoking causes lung cancer, and the guy ignoring that and beating up OP isn't going to change that. Maybe he should take it as constructive criticism.
WTF, FML? 18, I totally agree with you. The fact that so many people keep thumbing you down is scary. Ok, first, violence is never the answer unless used as self-defense. The people saying that it's justified here because the guy got offended seriously need to go back to elementary school. In a civilized society, people don't assault others when they get offended. Freedom of speech means that OP can be a dick, and the guy can be a dick back to him, but neither can attack the other because they're "offended." By your logic, OP should have punched the guy instead of saying something sarcastic, because he was "offended" by his smoking. Why is it the OP's business? I personally don't think it is, because I don't see smoking in public as a much bigger issue than babies crying in public or people talking on cell phones in public, but you could still make the case that it's a nuisance. It smells gross, it could negatively affect someone with asthma, and, well... second hand smoke, people. And when there's a nuisance, like the other examples I mentioned, people should be able to comment on it or complain without being attacked. I would hate to be punched by an angry mother because I sighed when her baby wouldn't stop crying. And besides, saying that it smells like lung cancer isn't even really an insult. It's a fact that smoking causes lung cancer, and the guy ignoring that and beating up OP isn't going to change that. Maybe he should take it as constructive criticism.
Allow me to point out that all of your so-called arguments for why a non-smoker is a better person than a smoker are invalid. 1) Having a healthy body doesn't make you a good person. 2) I wasn't aware that swallowing makes you a good person. So again, wrong. 3) The entire population of the world could chain-smoke and it would not cause as much damage as car exhaust fumes and the burning of fossil fuels. Also, FYI, EVERYONE exhales carbon dioxide. EVERYONE. So by your logic, you're also contributing to the build up of greenhouse gasses that reportedly destroying the planet's ozone layer. 4) It's not fair for second-hand smoke to affect everyone, but that is why there are smoking restrictions in place.
#226 "Why is it the OP's business?" I read this as OP working for the gym (why he/she knows the ranking), and part of the job being a sparring partner. If so, OP considers lung health part of the ability to do the job, as he/she should. Sorry, folks, the data are now in: lung cells react immediately (and not in a good way) to the slightest smoke exposure. (Bummer. I'm a former smoker, and used to enjoy a whiff of fresh smoke when walking by a smoker.)
Oops, double post. 256, you clearly only read one line of my comment because I pretty much just said what you did.
Also, people who have already had cancer have a higher chance of getting a secondary cancer than a normal person. In my case, I had cancer when I was 15. I had 15 months of tortuous chemotherapy. I don't give a shit what other people do to their bodies. What pisses me off is when they blow there cancer causing smoke in my face thus shoving me one step closer to more torture.
I do the same thing Op does. I don't want to inhale that horrible smoke. I always cover my mouth and nose. What is weird is that people don't realize all the shit and methane and paint thinner that goes into a cig.
How in the holy f*** does a comment about lunger cancer even come close to even having the slightest offense? My god the man is physicopath and deserves to be treated as one
#135, you're exactly right. The guy ought to be behind bars. Words never justify assault and battery.
Your one of those people who I really just want to smack silly. That's all! Take care ;)
I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.
Smells like an ass whooping.
Because he was simply drawing attention to the fact that poor life choices were being made and the person that beat him up could go to jail for battery and assault?
^^ Doesn't understand sarcasm.
I don't see how people think they can get away with being a-holes in public and not have any consequences.
66, The coin has two sides, lighting up next to a non smoker could easily be considered being an asshole in public. If someone lit up near me am I therefore permitted to kick their ass because find their behaviour offensive and because I can? No, because I'm not a ******* moron.
You are courteous. Yeah he shouldn't have said that, but I also get pissed off when people smoke near me. I can't go anywhere without being around smoke; no one around here seems to care that they're outside a family restaurant, at the mall, or at the zoo. I'm extremely asthmatic and I always have an attack in public because of these people. Some smokers just don't care about others. My dad smokes as well but he always smokes away from other people.
If you went up to my mom and told her that (smoker) I would beat the **** out of you. That is really disrespectful. I'm an eleven year old girl (my parents let me do this) but I'm mature for my age. I do boxing, karate and jujitsu too and nobodypunches little girls
^...calm down. we all know you aren't going to beat the **** out of anyone...
Why does everybody think kids cant do anything?
When you are older, you'll understand. Going to beat me up over it?
170 - Firstly, if you're 11 you shouldn't be using that sort of language. Second, if you really practice those styles, then you'd know the meaning of self control. Not putting up your dukes every time someone makes a rude (or in the case of asthmatic people, warranted) comment? I know you're a kid, but your reaction is incredibly moronic. Please think about what you say/do before actually doing it. People won't think you're just another bratty kid if you do.
170 - I would hope nobody would hit a little girl, but what does that have to do with this FML? The OP is a man, and probably much older than you.
Isn't that what 136 just said they did, too? And I think both were in the wrong here. I'm not gonna argue which one was more in the wrong. End of story.
Smells like asshole over here!
66, they don't. OP is an asshole and then found out the consequence and made a fml. So OP, (in a Nelson munch accent) HAHA.
136, It seemed to me like he does it whenever someone smokes near him, which in my opinion is perfectly fine. Anyone invading my space smoking up is being rude and offensive and doesn't deserve to be respected - and I sure as hell wouldn't start wailing on them. If he is actively approaching smokers to say it then he's a tool but still doesn't deserve a beating.
I'm really not understanding the mentality behind saying that one silly, misguided comment justifies an ass-beating by a trained MMA fighter. Even if the guy isn't trained, it doesn't excuse the guy beating the OP up. It actually makes it worse that the guy is trained in a certain fighting style-- what if the OP had wanted to press charges?
268. OP didn't say "whenever someone smokes near me," he/she said "whenever I see a smoker." This leads me to believe that OP makes a habit of what I said in my first comment. Also someone smoking near you isn't an invasion of personal space. Now if someone lit up standing right in front of you and blew smoke in your face that's invasion of personal space.
If the person is near me and begins to smoke and that smoke invades my personal space then it's a problem.
I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?
Being considerate to mobile users by separating the comments. It's hard to hit the thumbs up or down button when a comment is too long. But I may have worded in a way that makes it sound as if I am looking for trouble, but I simply have a problem with people smoking in areas like outside of family restaurants, in watermarks around children, or at the bus stop when there is a no smoking sign.
It doesn't matter why you do or don't like smoking, it's still not your choice whether or not strangers decide to smoke and it's not your place to be self righteous about it. You deserved it. If you don't like the way it smells, move, he was obviously there first.
You don't have to separate the comments if you slide the comment to the side you can thumb it on mobiles
Thank you! I just thought the app didn't have the capability.
You know what I hate? When I'm waiting for a bus and I find some place to stand that's not right next to the bus stop or any shops etc. to have a smoke, and some little kid wanders over and I feel like an asshole. One time I had some woman decide to stand two feet away from me with her kid and I ended up moving. I try to be considerate when I smoke but people are morons :( Also tempted to reiterate my 'alcohol is not much better than cigarettes' argument here. Now THAT is a hell of a drug to be legal.
I'm not a smoker but only annoying jerks make comments like that. So he deserved that in a major way
I would hate it which is why I don't hang with smokers. In a public space you can walk away. Giving a "harsh reality" to someone about something that is pretty much common knowledge hell it's on the pack is condescending as hell because you are saying, "hey you're too stupid to have actually thought about this so let me point it out to you" You may as well run up to someone kick them in the balls tell them getting kicked in the balls hurts and then be shocked when they are like "no freaking duh"
Well, it becomes his problem when he has to walk through it. They says 2nd hand smoke is worse as there is no filter.
If he's a trained MMA fighter size won't matter
Or just think...
I think this FML shows that this place is about 70% of smokers... Just saying...
99- If you're purposely smoking where there is a fair amount of people and children of course you're going to get dirty looks. If you are doing it on purpose then im surprised you haven't gotten more then just a dirty look.
294, I don't often go places that there are children. I have noticed that anti smokers are snobbish enough to give dirty looks even when I'm in a designated outdoor smoking area though (no smoking in indoor public places though). I highly doubt many of them would go farther than the look and some self righteous drivel about not living by their values system though, I'm a rather large mammal.
300- I'm not saying you're already doing it on purpose I was implying If you were. Also the fact that there are idiots that give you dirty looks for just doing it is plain stupid. Giving someone a dirty look just for smoking when they're actually being respectful about where they do it is pathetic.
You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.
In my opinion, smokers' decision effect my life because I have to breath what they smoke.
You have an option to walk away. And most places air quality can effect you as much as smoking in some ways. Yet people aren't as passionate or bitching about air quality controls.
But OP doesn't have to be so immature and make remarks like that to random people. He's pretty much digging his own grave with that one.
OP shouldn't be forced to move though because the air is being polluted around him/her. What if they were at a bus stop? Although OP's comment was rude, I think it's just as rude to smoke in public places that you all need to share.
34- Not everyone is impolite when they smoke. When I smoked (I quit 2 weeks ago yesterday!!) I never smoked in a public place unless I felt like I had to. But I always made sure I was away from other people before I lit up. If someone came by me while I was smoking I would either put out the cigarette or hold it away from the people so it wouldn't blow their way. I hated the taste/smell of cigarettes and didn't feel that other people should suffer because of my addiction. I honestly can't stand smokers who don't pay attention to the nonsmokers around them, I think it's rude and disrespectful.
48, We know not all of them are like that - the vast majority are. Nobody is about to stop generalising smokers because theres the odd one here and there who isn't a jackass.
Do you go on a self righteous verbal crusade and bitch out people with body odor problems? How about sick people? They are both polluting the air, yet people seem to expect smokers to immediately comply with their lifestyle wishes while influenza Phil from accounting is unmolested while spreading a potentially lethal virus around.
83- There are ways to prevent/mask body odors so it doesn't bother others as much. As for sick people, the majority of them are kind enough to avoid others at all cost. So yes I do expect smokers to respect me. I started smoking when I was 14 and continued smoking for 7 years. In those 7 years I tried my best to respect nonsmokers because it is the right thing to do. Even when I smoked I thought it was very disrespectful to put others in harms way because of some addiction. If someone really needs/wants to smoke they could walk a few feet away from others as a sign of respect, or even asking if it bothers someone. Just asking is sometimes enough for the bystanders to over-look it.
I dot smoke but my bf does. I agree he shouldn't light up in the car or in a closed space around us non smokers. And I also agree with the laws banning smoking anywhere food sold. But outside....outside is an open and free area. The wind blows and the elements push the smoke away pretty quickly. People bitching about smokers smoking OUTSIDE are just being assholes.
I totally agree with that. I find it very disrespectful when someone is blowing smoke straight into your face(and it's even worse if it's a children's face) without moving a little further away or asking if it bothers the person. It was my grandmother's funeral just a few weeks ago, and she died of lung cancer(not due to smoking) and there were tons of people lighting up at the reception we had at my house afterwards. I could not believe it.
92, I wish that was true here. People seem to think that going to the pub or to work "just a little sick" and hacking all day is ok, it disgusts me. Also, I've noticed that they don't appreciate it when you mention that they could use some deodorant or even just spray air freshener when they walk in the room.
I agree that it's a bit rude when someone smokes in totally crowded places. I was at a concert once and, naturally, it was really congested around the merch stands. There were so many people in all the lines, you were basically standing on people. Right in the middle of the crowd, this guy lit up. It was outdoors, so normally it would've been fine, but this guy was holding the cigarette down by his hips, making no effort to keep the smoke from blowing into peoples' faces. He eventually got enough complaints about it to put it out, but I don't think it was courteous to light up in the first place.
Sounds like a load of crap. If you had just left it at "yes I do expect smokers to respect me" instead exaggerating the tiny amount of truth about you being a considerate mature 14 year old to prove your point, I would have been on your side. We've all encountered 14, 15, 16, 17 year olds that think they're grown before they can wipe their own ass. They're far from being polite and selfless, especially ones that do things way before they should even think about doing them (smoking, drugs). "I tried to respect nonsmokers because it was the right thing to do"... pleaseee - if you were at all concerned about the right thing to do, you wouldn't have been smoking at that age in the first place.
148- smoking is not a necessity in today's life. Stop trying to compare something we need like cars, to something that is not needed at all..
83- Well people who are sick don't have a choice about being sick, but smokers do have a choice about smoking. I think OP handled this the wrong way but If some asshole lit up right next to me, I would probably ask him to put it out. It's not fair that I have to smell someone else's smoke jut because they have a bad habit.
48-you are exception. For the most parts smokers don't care thy they're polluting others air. I am an ex smoker for 2 years now yay me...and I'm guilty of not caring what others thought of my smoking. I care now and realize how much I smelled and caused issues for others.
83, I'm happy to listen to an argument to support smoking that actually makes sense. I've yet to see one, and you all just keep rehashing the same defeated arguments like they bring something new to the table. Please stop just bringing up other things that are irritating and acting like they're a justification for smoking. It lacks any other factors that prevent it from being stopped, and serves no purpose in society.
How about this. In Canada, smokers generate over 100 million dollars a year more tax revenue than their healthcare costs. Between smoking related illnesses and the high risk, high stress careers prevalent among smokers our life expectancy is 12 years shorter than average and our deaths more often sudden, giving our end of life care a price tag 44% lower than average. We also rarely put our families through decades of age related mental illnesses. In short, smokers choose to lead shorter, more cost effective lives that inflict far less prolonged suffering upon their families. Now, I'll go back to living my life to its fullest, and febreezing malodorous coworkers.
It's called an addiction which means your body needs it and if you want to get picky about it you don't necessarily NEED a car, there's other things called walking, bicycling, calling a cab or riding a bus.
by the time you walk away you have already exposed yourself to the harmful effects... and It wouldn't be as sensible to bitch about air quality because it's caused by cars et cetera and to ask people to not drive cars would have such a ridiculous alternative that we just cannot force upon. and walking away would mean turning away from a public area that they have no right to restrict anyway. so there is really no argument
Oh so you want to reference the revenue that is useful to the health system, thats nice, except you forget about the burden smokers themselves put on the health system as it is. The positive effect would be worth mentioning if smokers werent responsible for filling the hospital beds themselves or helping others to require said health care. Also, the financial benefits and issues are inconclusive and often debated, and since smoking has a much greater reach than Canada you will need to reference global values, not local ones. I am going to have to see some references for this sudden death syndrome you seem to think smokers have. Smoking is a risk factor for almost every chronic disease, and we already know it has been directly linked to several forms of cancer and heart disease. I don't know what you perceive the speed of these illnesses to be, but they are hardly efficient. Enjoy living your life to its "fullest", however misguided you may be on what exactly that is.
I think your lungs aren't gonna be fine for a while. Happy breathing!
you kinda deserve that , just think it would of happened sooner or later .maybe next time you will just leave it alone its their choice to smoke they know what happens .
You would say look like a smoker. Give his lungs a few years to catch up to his habit op. if he's banking on mma and still smoking, His career is short-lived
Blatantly shoving what you think of smoking into people's faces can get you punched! Oh, wait... I guess you figured that out.
I agree, lets start punching smokers for shoving what they think in our faces! Oh wait, you may not have thought one through eh? Or maybe we could observe that beating someone for something so trivial makes you a total douchebag. I'm sorry but since when did it become okay to attack someone because they say something you don't like? And as an MMA fighter he should know better. Sounds to me like this assbag would get canned from his club for that kind of behaviour, no professional fighter worth their shit would be willing to attack people so recklessly.
68- I don't recall ever seeing a random smoker cussing people as he lights up. %99 of these arguments are initialized by the non smoker. I'm pro public smoking but not in confined spaces such as restaurants or stores. However bars should be an exception that's up to the bar owner to allow it or not. That's just my personal opinion, I enjoy the atmosphere of a smoky bar.
^or a smoky pool bar
154, *99% - It's written how it sounds. Smokers don't have to cuss anyone out to offend them, that's the point. Non smokers don't get in the face of smokers and force them to stop smoking, while smokers do get in non smokers faces and force them to breathe in the shit they're putting out. By smoking near a non smoker you're essentially taking away our right to not breathe in your shit, then for some reason bitch about the right to it outweighs the other.
Way to be a jackass OP. If someone wants to give themselves lung cancer then so be it
It doesn't give the douchebag smoker the right to contaminate my lungs.
Yeah, but a car is a part of life you can't really avoid. It's pretty much a necessity. Smoking is a choice, and a bad choice at that.
I do sort of see where OP is coming from though. Maybe they're worried about getting lung cancer themselves? It is pretty douchey however :/
Second hand smoke is worse then the smokers smoke yet get. So inhaling someone else his smoking is more deadly for you then the one smoking.
I agree, it doesn't give them the right to contaminate someone else's lungs but the smoker isn't breaking any laws and there are ways to ask someone to quit smoking around you without being a jackass about it
You are soooooo correct! Cars are a neccessity... unless you live in a city with public transit. Or live close enough to work to ride a bicycle... or walk...
Well of course you deserved, you sanctimonious twat.
And you're a judge for that because....? Presumptuous prick.
Why don't we use smaller understandable words like stupid... :)
I'm glad I'm not a priest* where you live #10 - I'd spend my whole life getting the shit kicked out of me because that's obviously a perfectly justifiable reaction to being sanctimonious. * Pretty obviously I am not a priest anywhere.
I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.
You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.