By Anonymous - 10/03/2013 00:40 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, I received an email from my friend in South Africa, with whom I'll soon be staying for 2 months. She was telling me that she had bought me a few things so I would be prepared for my stay. What did she buy me? A taser and some pepper-spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 984
You deserved it 5 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaha! Your friend's a joker, mate. A taser won't help you here!


upallnight11 19
TheyCallMeDamien 17

It gets real down there. Just be glad your friend didn't buy you the rape trap.

Be thankful - those don't come cheap, but may save your life. Also, be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially the people who seem to be around you frequently.

I've been there a month ago, and it's not a bad idea to bring such items. You won't feel very safe. Apart from that it is lovely, enjoy your stay.

You can stop violence with a well-placed .22 round, though a 10mm would be ideal. You don't need a cannon to save yourself. That'll only be more likely to shatter your wrist, even if you know what you're doing.

I'm sorry, but why were you surprised? If I went to ANY other country, or maybe even state, I would bring some kinda of anti rape device. Is common sense.

That's a bit paranoid and inconsequent, I mean it's not like rapists respect state borders. It a depends on the country, I'd that in western europe and north america you are safe and sound in most areas. Then again, I am no woman nor a rapist so I am just thinking.

I think she means to say that in your home state you know your way around and which areas to avoid, but if you go to a state or country you're not familiar with you're a lot more likely to get lost and end up in a dangerous place or situation. The way I see it, though, is that you never know what could happen or where. People are often attacked when they think they're safe. I think it's best to have some form of protection at all times.

styphon 5

What did that poll say recently? Something like 50% of South Africans expect to be victims of armed home invasions?

Just because you hear a story or two it doesn't make the whole country bad. Yes some towns are bad but others are crime free, it's just completely up to what part of which province you are in! I have never experienced any serious crime and I know very few people who have!

tj5810 21

I have a brother who moved to Africa a year ago. He says its incredibly dangerous over there and can't wait to make it back on U.S. soil. I'd be appreciative of your friends gifts. Best of luck to you!

SeepingSarcasm 7

You can't compare South Africa's crime to the rest of Africa's. Going up more to the North, things get way worse. Only reason the attention is more on SA, is because our crime gets reported more often.

Yes, because looking at the crime levels in one country is always a good indicator of how dangerous the entire continent is

SeepingSarcasm 7

Hey #12, stop believing everything you hear. Rape is really, really bad here, but not that bad. Given your estimates about all of the woman in SA would've been raped in about 5 years.