By PoopTart - 29/04/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I gave my sister a stun gun for her birthday since she recently had a couple "close calls" walking home from work late at night. She was so excited and thankful that she wanted to express her gratitude by shocking me to see if it really worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 173
You deserved it 14 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, I love this one. I'd so do that to my friend. :)

#4 - not even real guns are illegal... and that's really funny, i would have done the same thing


Lol, I love this one. I'd so do that to my friend. :)

I especially love the OP's name. Sounds, umm, tasty.

ouch! well at least you know it works! woo second comment!

loverlyeyes90 0

lol. i would have done that too if my brother or sister bought me one=p

#4 - not even real guns are illegal... and that's really funny, i would have done the same thing

FYL because she shocked you YDI for giving a stun gun to a sister that would do that to you

Oops, nevermind, they're illegal in my state, but not in most others.

Those things hurt like ****!. No one should do that to another person. Trust me, it incapacitates you. This isn't like a funny shock. /ok, it's a little funny.