By SoDamnBroke - 28/09/2016 13:13 - South Africa

Today, I secured a tender for my boss, earning her 1/4 million in profits. Today is also meant to be pay-day for us, but my boss is too busy dealing with the tender to pay her employees. So essentially, I made my boss rich while remaining broke and in debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 694
You deserved it 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry your pay check will come soon! And if it doesn't get a new job if you can. And congratulations for securing that tender

mariri9206 32

So, instead, OP would get fired for not doing their job. Yeah, great advice. Two thumbs waaaaay up!


Darkreign333 23

tell her you won't get her another until she pays up

mariri9206 32

So, instead, OP would get fired for not doing their job. Yeah, great advice. Two thumbs waaaaay up!

Don't worry your pay check will come soon! And if it doesn't get a new job if you can. And congratulations for securing that tender

I really hope that not only do you get paid but that you get a really big bonus cause you deserve one

You gotta be a little patient. Once the dust settles down, you can make a stink if she stiffs you.

mariri9206 32

Do you work for Donald Trump? *ba dum tss*

Sack up brah nobody is going to give you anything even if you earn you have to show your worth and demand the equal Pay.. Or quit. Or else you'll be stuck making the same thing getting used and abused for the rest of your life :3 best of luck

I'm not sure what any of that means, but if it's that ' you picked up a new customer' then, yes, you'll have to wait until things get settled, first. Good work, by the way!

Yes, but that's a quarter million South African rands. With the exchange rate, that's worth about $1.87 in US dollars.

Thats mildly funny. i deem you a point and a half.

Sunset_Goddess 0

I just did the conversion. It would actually be $18,349.16 in US Dollars.