By Anonymous - 14/09/2018 03:30

Today, I finally found out why I got a D in a class last semester. It was a heavily attendance-based class, and apparently he only marked you present if you participated in class discussion. It was a 100-seat lecture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 875
You deserved it 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah that doesn't sound right. If you're that many, there's probably a lot more with bad grades just for not loudly participating, I'd bring that forth to whoever is his authority. Mandatory attendance is one thing, but I somehow doubt the prof gets to randomly make rules like "you're only attending if you participate". That's not even realistic in such a big lecture.


tounces7 27

Still a moronic requirement to expect all 100 people there to be part of a discussion every single day.

Ledzepisrovering 2

Being in the class doesn't mean you are present. There is this kid in my chemistry class who comes in late and just sleeps during class. I am not sure how the professor teaches his class or what course it is but he must think this is the best way to know that students are going and paying attention rather than just showing up. This probably also allows him to recognize students. I am not sure how OP just discovered this a semester late but it most likely was in the syllabus. If not, then OP isn't at fault and he can take this up to the higher levels.

Ya I'd go file a complaint that's bullshit

Yeah that doesn't sound right. If you're that many, there's probably a lot more with bad grades just for not loudly participating, I'd bring that forth to whoever is his authority. Mandatory attendance is one thing, but I somehow doubt the prof gets to randomly make rules like "you're only attending if you participate". That's not even realistic in such a big lecture.

Isn’t that the rule in most colleges? I remember having to participate in class and post 6-12 times a week on the discussion board with a min of 300 words per post. There’s nothing you can do about it if it’s in the syllabus take the D and move on.

I'd get mandatory attendance, but participation too? Huh? What did your syllabus say about it? I'm genuinely curious.