By Wrabel - 08/06/2015 16:00 - Germany - Mainz

Today, I received a package from Amazon. My mum smiled at me when I entered the living room, pointing to my package. She had already opened it and held back her smile. My penis pills for longer endurance just got delivered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 442
You deserved it 9 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't invite her to make a speech at your wedding...

nonsensical 26

That's when you do an Austin Powers and insist on the fact that it is not yours.


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What an ignortant thing to say. I have sex and still live with my parents. And just because someone doesn't last long doesn't mean they're bad.

2, you sound like you'd be a great therapist..

I'd be so pissed at my parents for opening my package. I'm only 20 almost 21 and they don't open packages with my name. Wow..ridiculous.

Who said his mom wasn't in HIS house visiting?

I'm 16 and my parents don't open my stuff. Ever since I could open things myself they haven't! unless I've asked them too.

#2 Your comment was so stupid. If your name isn't on the package, you don't open it unless asked. It's called respecting privacy.

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She will make fun of him forever for it because that's what parents do. Embarrass their children.

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WordBea 23

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It's hard to admit, but you're right... It has been used for too long! I will use this opportunity to rise, learn and perform better next time!

MakeItStopWtf 12

Why did your second comment get thumbed down? That was a good one...

MzZombicidal 36

I can see why your mom was smiling the entire time. Would have been rather "hard" to keep a straight face.

I hate when my parents open my mail

I hate illegal things, as well. especially when it's something like that, which is no one else's business.

I never get my mail. My dad tells me it's his house so it's his mail.

Tell him that that won't hold up in court.

nonsensical 26

That's not awkward at all...

Don't invite her to make a speech at your wedding...

nonsensical 26

That's when you do an Austin Powers and insist on the fact that it is not yours.

That's when his mom would present the book written by him about his longer lasting penis pills lol