By Amazon Ruined My Life - 28/12/2018 14:00

Today, my mother opened her birthday gift in front of my entire family. Two days ago, I ordered an essential oil diffuser and flesh light from Amazon. Guess which one she got? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 236
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probable reaction: Mom was weirded out, some relatives called you gross, others mocked you. Reaction I wish happened: Mom laughed, said she was keeping it, and now your bedroom smells of lavender while you jack off into a sock.

samomaha 17

Sorry, OP, you really should have known better than to have Amazon send the present direct. When ordering adult toys, always have the shipment sent to you and then you can split it up and wrap the gift meant for someone else. Have to say YDI on this one.


Probable reaction: Mom was weirded out, some relatives called you gross, others mocked you. Reaction I wish happened: Mom laughed, said she was keeping it, and now your bedroom smells of lavender while you jack off into a sock.

samomaha 17

Sorry, OP, you really should have known better than to have Amazon send the present direct. When ordering adult toys, always have the shipment sent to you and then you can split it up and wrap the gift meant for someone else. Have to say YDI on this one.

mushman 15

Why would you buy your Mom a flesh light? Don't think she would have much use for it.

CFSH01 11

Because god forbid people actually check their packages

Just say amazon sent you the wrong thing and you got her something else. I've ordered a textbook from them and received a kid's dinosaur book before, so it's not that unbelievable ;P

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

Going out on a limb here but seems fake if not extremely irresponsible and immature first thing you’d expect in such a situation if ever to happen even would be to have a talk with the individual and a extensive apology not post about it on the internet under anonymous looking for sympathy yet it was at least 50% on you to check your stuff first borderline sounds like you yourself don’t even care if this really did happen, and with that said did amazon wrap both gifts for you then play a game of shuffle the presents and give them both to your mom? XD Or did you wrap it yourself and hope the paper would distract them from the flashlight when they unwrapped it? yeah lol fake try again with less plot holes plez : S