By buhknee - 25/11/2009 00:08 - United States

Today, I realized that our generation will be remembered as the kids who liked sparkly vampires. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 527
You deserved it 13 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

Lol, yeah. Our generation is in love with gay vampires.

So technically "F*CK OUR LIFE" ... Thats so awful...



mcbeth 0

I concur. Harry Potter > Twilight All day.

i also agree. a guy at work keeps making comments about how i camped out to see new moon, but i'd rather gouge out my eyes than watch those movies. he pisses me off. twilight pisses me off.

Seriously? A really good writer? Even my friend who loves the series freely states that the fanfic she reads is often better written than the actual books. My favourite quote on the subject comes from Stephen King, who says: "The difference between Jo Rowling and Stephanie Meyer is that Rowling can actually write". And, while I would never call Harry Potter the work of a literary genius, I couldn't agree with him more. At least she knows how to use grammar and construct characters.

wallflower3 0

Don't you just love how if your opinion differs from that of the popular opinion, you lose your right to free speech? Twihards are taking the movie way too seriously. It sucks. I'm still wondering how Stephenie Meyer got this "saga" published. Her portrayel of the normal teens in the book was totally unrealistic and outdated. What teenager that you know says "moot" and isn't whiny and ungrateful? And seriously? WHAT was the purpose of making them sparkle? I'd take Anne Rice over this any day. At least she knew how to write.

srak 0

shut the **** up! that movie was awesome. 

are you sparkly bff with #136? *shudders*

SailorButterfly 8

My generation will be known as the one that close-mindedly put others down just for liking something they didn't. FML

I don't think it's as simple as that? At least not about the TW 'saga'.

Wow, you made a really good point there. Proved all the Twilight haters wrong.

twilight sucks. end of story. if our generation was remembered as that, bad things would happen from those in the generation who hate that.

you'll live, give it a few years after the fourth movie is released and hopefully bitches your age will forget about that shit and grow up