Artistic licence

By Anonymous - 16/04/2020 14:00

Today, after spending at least 4 hours drawing a realistic shadow of a vampire for a picture contest, I finally remembered that vampires aren't supposed to produce shadows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 239
You deserved it 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thought that was reflections in a mirror. But this is myth so go crazy. Who can argue against your vamp casting a shadow

They aren't supposed to sparkle in sunlight, either, but here we are. *walks off to 'Without Me' by Eminem*


Spin a story around it. Like “who is that I’m seeing?”

Thought that was reflections in a mirror. But this is myth so go crazy. Who can argue against your vamp casting a shadow

DirtySalamander 9

A myth, vampires arent real. So how can a myth be created?? lol

There’s so many different stories about vampires, who’s to say some don’t have shadows

They aren't supposed to sparkle in sunlight, either, but here we are. *walks off to 'Without Me' by Eminem*

Another fun fact about vampires: They don't exist. If you insist your art be literally true, not only would there not be a shadow, but there wouldn't be a ******* vampire, either! You'd just have a landscape. Your gaffe won't matter unless you get to the finals against a picture of a Sasquatch with a tail.

Watch ‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’, his shadow chokes Keanu Reeves’ character toward the beginning. I also think the vampire in that one Bugs Bunny Transylvania episode casts a shadow. I think you must be thinking of reflections. Vampires don’t see their reflection in mirrors.

And in Mel Brooks’ Dracula: Dead and Loving It, Dracula’s shadow humps Mina’s shadow. So they definitely have shadows in lore.

uuhh... you mean reflections in the mirror. Vampires do cast shadows.

How does it take hours to draw a shadow?

No, they don’t create reflections. Shadows from non sunlight, like firelight or electrical light do create shadows. Sunlight would normally just kablooey them.

leximichelle 13

Why does a shape even take four hours to draw? Unless it’s on some massive piece, it’s just the shape and shading. Sounds like you’re overworking your piece either way.