By buhknee - 25/11/2009 00:08 - United States

Today, I realized that our generation will be remembered as the kids who liked sparkly vampires. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 527
You deserved it 13 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

Lol, yeah. Our generation is in love with gay vampires.

So technically "F*CK OUR LIFE" ... Thats so awful...


Haha Funniest FML. I Love it, but it's more a FOL. We are all stuck in that shit no matter what!

last i checked 1) Harry Potter is still going on and 2) it takes more than 3 years to count as a generation

star_ver 0

Harry Potter's over... The books ended in 2007. You must be part of the movie crowd who didn't realize. There are more than 3 years between HP and Twilight. The former came out in '98 when I was still a kid and Twilight came out in 2005 for the Gen Z kids. 7 years isn't a generation but it's enough to put an age gap between those who grew up with HP (late Gen Y kids, for the most part) and those who grew up with Twilight (early Gen Z).

LemonFairy 0

HP's books ended in 07. The movies are still on-going, and with the number of fansites, podcasts, bands, conventions, and a THEME PARK, I think it's fair to say that HP is still going on.

picturetaker 0
WelcomeToMeWorld 0

I really don't think Twilight will be what our generation will be remembered for... It will probably be remember by our horrible music and how a lot of girls dress like hos and most of the guys wear their pants too low and think it's cool lol

@Sailorbutterfly: all generations have been remembered for one disagreement or an other; think of every war that has ever happened... Maybe before you go and say some general statement like that in an attempt to justify your Twilight fetish, you should actually look at the bigger picture of things...

SailorButterfly 8

Nice speech. Yet you assume I have a Twilight fetish just because I didn't bash it. Ever heard of practice what you preach? I hope your pseudo-intellectualism helps you sleep better at night.

SailorButterfly 8

Eh, nevermind. Forget I said anything (too late to edit). I shouldn't have risen to the obvious troll-bait. You may now return to your regularly scheduled program. :)

tayzer_fml 0
oh_dee 0

I hate football and it's pretty much the single biggest sport in America (maybe tied with baseball)...with guys and even girls screaming at their tvs and crying to each other about a bunch of sweaty guys in tights chasing a piece of pig skin and jumping on top of each other, and whistles and time outs every ten seconds that last an eternity. We can't always get what we want so shut up about Twilight! And I'm not saying whether or not I like those books/movies. Most people over the age of 12 consider it a guilty pleasure.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i'm a winey emo kid who can't stand modern society and have to complain about anything popular because it shows how cool and different I am!!! waaaaaaaaaah nobody understands how complicated and deep i am!!! Honestly, GET THE **** OVER YOURSELF. 90% of Twilight haters have never even read the damn books. How did this even make it through, it doesn't deserve a vote!!

oh_dee 0

i say that to my boyfriend all the time...people need to at least try to read the books before they judge.

And this is why I make a point of familiarizing myself with material before I pass judgment on it. So people don't flip a shit and start foaming at the mouth while abusing the exclamation point. I've read the whole series. I still hate it. Oh noes!

shalizzz 0

I did try to read the first book, but gave up on it because it was so poorly written I felt insulted. No book that has such shallow, one-sided characters and such a weak and predictible plot should ever be published. I tried watching the Twilight movie and fell asleep. Seriously, I've seen better acting in B-class movies. Conclusion: Twilight is s**t! Words cannot express how much better Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles" are. All S. Meyer did was take these mesmerizing mythological creatures and turn them into wet dreams.

I'd read them but I can't stop tearing up from laughing so much, or falling asleep from the fake I love you stuff. the author is a genius in the way she gets people hooked to it. most of the girls that read it are like bella quite and not very popular or pretty, they are the norm, ed is very popular and every girl wants him. he picks bella when he could pick a popular diva . to most girls this is a turn on and they wish this would happen to them, they put them selves in their mind when reading as bella, thus making the readers fantasy come true and they get hooked.

shalizzz 0

Dude, I never really noticed it! But you are right, having Bella as the narrator does enable girls to read the books while imagining themselves as the vampire's love interest.

@ LaUruguaya: 37% of statistics are made up.

wallflower3 0

It's more like 50%. I have read all the books, even the unpublished one she didn't finish. I've even watched the movies. And I think I can make an informed decision in deciding not to like it. At this rate, our generation will be known for the huge feud between twihards and twibashers. This I what I think: if you like the saga, go right ahead. Nobody is telling you that you can't like it. People are just pissed because twilight is being shoved down our throats everywhere by everyone. If you don't, try not to deliberately piss off the twihards. Agree to disagree.