By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 21:27 - Canada

Today, I was puked on for the third time in three years at our annual choir concert. What makes it so significant? The fact that the same guy pukes on me every year from stage fright. We're arranged alphabetically, and he's always in the row RIGHT above me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 243
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you keep showing up for that? Why do they keep him in the choir? It seems as though somebody could do something about it. If you're not willing to, then quit whining. And really, why haven't you given him a pre-emptive punch in the nuts by now?

Moreover, why are they arranged alphabetically??? This doesn't seem like a very good choir.


ughhhh:( man that sucks!!! and first i think:)

YDI for being a great throw-up target. Are you really THAT ugly? Sheesh. But don't feel bad. There's plenty of other ugly people...

Hi everyone! I'm new to this trolling thing so ima give it a try (: YDI FOR BEING A CHOIR GEEK!

Imawhalerider 0

He probably threw up just because he had to look at you again. haha jk sucks

I think you deserved it because I think you should expect it by the third time....The first time wouldve been a surprise, the second time wouldve also caught u off guard since it might be a one time thing, but the third time... nope

i agree even if you were put in alphabetical order you can ask the director to put him in the back where he can puke into a bag or something or move you so you wont get puked on simple solutions usually will work

organismal 0

YDI for not asking your director or teacher or whatever to change his/your spots. By the third time, you should figure that it would probably happen again.

CyclonePsycho 1

...You'd someone would have done something about it by now...

agreed, go tell him to **** off and stop being a whiny ass dick head

3075 people are atheist and believe ydi for being in a church.

Imawhalerider 0

Why do you keep showing up for that? Why do they keep him in the choir? It seems as though somebody could do something about it. If you're not willing to, then quit whining. And really, why haven't you given him a pre-emptive punch in the nuts by now?

generalsmith2 0

You know, if she punched him in the nuts before he threw up, he'd probably be so distracted by the pain, he'd forget about his stage fright! Problem solved!

Moreover, why are they arranged alphabetically??? This doesn't seem like a very good choir.

tubaguy42 0

that's why it's fake. it wouldn't be arranged alphabetically. choirs are organized sectionally (sopranos-tenor/bass/bari-altos), boy-girl-boy-girl for a nice blend, and by height so you can see everyone. i've never heard of an alphabetical choir - it makes no sense.

If the person who is in charge doesn't know what they're doing, they might not be arranged properly. Especially in grade school. Everything was alphabetically arranged in grade school...

It's just from a school that doesn't give two ***** about its choir. It's not fake.

And which kind of choir arranges their people alphabetically?!

...or each section could be arranged alphabetically. Not that hard to figure out.

about time to invest in a rain poncho XD


That's exactly what I was going to say! xP

I was thinking an umbrella because it keeps the vomit at arms length. Also, most rain ponchos are plastic, and with plastic being a selectively permeable membrane (Put oil in a plastic bag and you can feel it on the outside) you'd still feel it even if the majority of the vomit was kept out. @OP: FYL.


...And every year you hear him retching and don't move? Just because he's above you doesn't mean you can't dodge the puke.

9k5 0

I've puked without retching. :|

Emily9352 13

He probably doesn't have room to move. If they're lined up then he's probably in the middle of a whole choir.

you'd think you'd be wearing a raincoat in prep for it....

darling_inwe 0

your director must be a jerk. -.-