By chapstick - 09/01/2014 03:23 - United States - San Dimas

Today, my lips were dry and chapped, so I asked if I could use some of my friend's chapstick. She didn't mind, so I quickly put some on. Only later did I notice that my lips were sparkly. Turns out it was glitter balm. Now everyone calls me "princess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 895
You deserved it 13 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, if David Bowie can rock glitter lips, why not you? Just channel your inner goblin king.


DKjazz 20

Who? Nosferatu? Dracula? Blacula?

Those guys are awesome. We wouldn't call them beautiful or sparkly. Just keeping thinking. I'm almost certain it will come to you.

There is no need to question someone's gender just because of some lipgloss. Seriously, that makes no sense at all. Guys are all different, there's short ones, tall ones, ones with long hair, some who dress kind of girly, but that's just who they are on the outside, how they like to express themselves.

Rainhawk94 27

Yea right #56. I guess tinker bell lips over here shouldn't worry huh

martin8337 35

I'll bet the other "inmates" said that you have a pretty mouth.

The efforts of some people to be politically correct are hilarious! I'm all for marriage equality and all that, but cmon there is nothing wrong with calling a guy princess for having sparkly lips! Edit: this hasn't come out in my usually, immaculately articulate way.... but you's know what im on about.

haha, soumds like u need better friends. this fml made my day

drshn 22

sounds like you need some friends yourself.

It's not his friends false is was lip gloss.

Hey, if David Bowie can rock glitter lips, why not you? Just channel your inner goblin king.

Rub it all over you so you look like Edward on a sunny day.

TWILIGHT!!! Get more glitter and you can pick up younger chicks.

That should never be the silver lining of a situation...

I'm sure that they were just envious of your majesty...

Im sure that they were secretly envying your fashion statement

blcksocks 19

Well at least it wasn't Fevistick instead..

Lol looks like you were at the strip club. I do like the chap stick cover story though