Stuck in the past

By Anonymous - 05/04/2020 05:00

Today, I found out my boyfriend still writes Twilight fan fiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 405
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it is time for you BOTH to start seeing other boys.


I think it is time for you BOTH to start seeing other boys.

If he's Team Jacob, he's a keeper. If he's Team Edward, dump his sparkly ass! Was that so hard?

rotflqtms_ 21

You didn't have a problem with it when you started dating him, so what's your issue now? Haha, you expected him to change? (You saying "still" gives me the impression that you knew he did when you started dating him and still dated him)

Oh, cut him some slack - he's just trying to be the next E.L. James and turn Twilight fan fiction into another worldwide phenomenon like Fifty Shades of Grey. :D