By Blackberry - 10/07/2009 19:15 - Canada

Today, I paid $80 to change my cell number because my ex-girlfriend had been stalking me. To inform all of my friends of the change, I sent a mass text message to everyone in my phonebook. Including my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 759
You deserved it 83 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sucks :( but why did you still have her number anyway?

NewLight8421 0

heh nice, sucks for you though shoulda took her number off your phone FIRST


tmlgurl 0

No company would make you pay $80 to change your number. In most cases it's free, but otherwise I haven't heard of anything over $5. Simply ridiculous.

Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint all charge $15. Spring charges if you call and change it. It's free online.

speak_a_da_truth 0

Guess what? EPIC EPIC FAIL on your part. I have people in my phone whose name is "Don't Answer" "**** You" things of that sort. Why would you mass send a text to those people. I have people in my phone I don't even know who they are, you get drunk put it in couple months later you're like who is this? YDI for being an idiot.

Lol, not saying that I don't agree, but saying YDI for being an idiot when you have people in your cell you don't even know because you were drunk? Really? Anyway, OP, YDI for being an idiot.

I AGREE WITH 8 (the caps were used to make it not seem like I was yeling, but saying in rapid sussession to 8s comment.

must be nice to have girls stalk you. ydi and quit bitching

bexox 0

Wtf how is that nice? His ex is crazy! Obviously you've never had a stalker or at least a really clingy girl like you because clingers are reeeeealllly annoying! In fact, you're probably a stalker.

epic fail. thats all i've got to say.

NewLight8421 0

know what i dont get? why if the first person says first but till makes a comment is always hidden its really people who hide our comments even if we talk about the fml just wast 3 seconds of your time. saying first isnt that big a deal. im pretty sure this to i s gonna be hidden. 53rd!

Because everyone can already see that you're first. You just make yourself look like a dick by writing 'FIRST!!!' and you deserve to be punished by having your inane comment hidden. Same goes for anyone who replies to the top comment with something completely unrelated to said comment just to get at the top.

NewLight8421 0

and you make yourself look like a dick by paying attention and caring about that kind of stuff.

Wow, you think THEY care too much? 1- You felt the need to let everyone know that you're first because it means so much to you. 2- You started to bitch because people blocked your comment 3- You followed your bitching comment to reply back (with something exceptionally witty...) Oh, and if YOU hadn't been 'paying attention' you wouldn't have been so goddamn excited about the fact that you were first, or even have noticed that your second comment had been replied to (: