Always read the fine print

By Anonymous - 04/02/2023 14:00

Today, I noticed that my coffee mug has a 'dishwasher safe' label. I've been hand washing it for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 180
You deserved it 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A year? Hand washing a coffee mug should only take a minute or two. What kind of crazy germaphobe are you that you'll wash something for a year?!?!

At least it wasn't the other way around. Still, it's worth taking time to read the directions.


At least it wasn't the other way around. Still, it's worth taking time to read the directions.

your coffee will taste way better in hand washed dishes dishwashers leave behind a residue

If you can pour boiling water in it then it can be washed in the dishwasher. Coffee mugs are inherently dishwasher safe. js

Not all of them. I once put in the dishwasher a coffee mug with a pretty cherry tree design that sprouts flowers when you pour a hot beverage in it. Half the tree folded on the other half, and the flowers transformed into little balls of gunk. Now I have a coffee mug with a heart that reddens when you put a hot beverage in it, and you can be sure that I hand wash this sucker.

A year? Hand washing a coffee mug should only take a minute or two. What kind of crazy germaphobe are you that you'll wash something for a year?!?!

FML, because washing a coffee cup is so tedious. Shoot, I probably wash my coffee cup once a year.

You mean there are mugs that are not dishwasher safe?