By Kingofbosses - 22/08/2013 05:31 - United States

Today, I moved into my university dorm a week before classes start. Everyone kept giving me weird looks as they watched me move my stuff in. Finally, one of my dorm mates asked me if I knew that school had actually started last week. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 486
You deserved it 16 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sucks. I hope you'll be able to catch up with your classes

BubbleGrunge 18

Way to make a grand entrance OP! Now, buckle down, you've missed a lot of work!


Next thing you know, you'll be running through the halls in your underwear trying to find where your final exam is being held. What, I'm the only one who's ever had that nightmare?

skyeyez9 24

A friend of mine had a nightmare where she was in the crowded school hallway, sitting on a toilet peeing. She said everybody was pointing and laughing, while she just sat there. She said woke up and realized she had to go to the bathroom for real.

Trisha_aus 15

Get off the damn toilet Noor!!!!

Classic stress dreams. In college, mine was always that I either totally forgot about a class until the day of the final, or discovered at the final I had been attending the wrong section all semester.

I had a reoccurring dream where I had forgotten that I signed up for a class. I had it so often that I actually freaked out one morning and got ready for said class before realizing I wasn't taking it.

Shouldn't you notice if your other roommate stuff was already set up, and everyone else rooms

perdix 29

Say, "Yeah, I know, I was letting you dummies get a head start just to keep it interesting for me." They'll think you are a genius, and you'll be very popular.

Until they find out that you are just average, which will make you look like an arrogant douche.

I don't know man, in this age of Yolo and Swag, most smart people are labeled unpopular nerds.

threer 30

Have you seen the hipsters?

I vote YDI because there are a billion ways to know in advance when school starts. Friends, website, emails, etc. Speaking as a college student, not knowing classes started is not an excuse to professors who drop you if you do not attend first class.

Also, most schools start sometime in the first week of September, unless its one of those specialty schools that runs on a different schedule. But for most schools it's safe to assume that you'll be starting sometime between the 3rd and 5th of September, so there's no reason to be off by two whole weeks.

I'd say better late than sorry but I think in this case best would be not at all. Not a good first impression.

What's really sad is that her response to him doing something inappropriate, even if he doesn't know better, is "get over it". Even if for some reason he doesn't know that's inappropriate to do to any girl (outside of being in a relationship) and especially inappropriate to do to his sister, he needs to be taught that it's inappropriate by someone, not just expect everyone he assaults to get over it until he magically figures out it's wrong.

monnanon 13
lb0812 18

No worries. You just missed syllabus day :) Or maybe I just have senioritis...

Missing the first two days might be missing syllabus days, but in my experience, professors start right away. I've never been lucky enough to have one that only goes over the syllabus on the first day. And having missed an entire week, OP has definitely gone beyond missing just the syllabi for his various classes.

The first week of school is more than just the syllabus day. I've had class for two days and we are already done with chapters 1 and 2.