By KiwiMaid - 03/06/2016 10:31 - New Zealand - Wellington

Today, I got excited because my husband will be away for 5 days, which means I'll be able to deep clean the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 941
You deserved it 2 147

Same thing different taste

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i only clicked you deserved it because every woman deserves 5 days by herself every once in awhile! lol

I know, right! When my wife goes off on business I do the same thing, but in reverse.


I know, right! When my wife goes off on business I do the same thing, but in reverse.

Ahh, so you walk around backwards cleaning the house? That's talent!

i only clicked you deserved it because every woman deserves 5 days by herself every once in awhile! lol

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hellobobismyname 24

18 - Don't create an issue over nothing. 2 never said that.

How will you know you're alive and still on earth if people don't create issues at the slightest chance?

Hey at least your house will be cleaned Better than putting off cleaning and having a disgusting house. Maybe when you go on a trip your husband can clean if its needed

Hire a cleaner and go somewhere fun to relax!

I understand this! When my 18 month old goes away for a night or two, and it's a weekday where hubby works from 2 in the morning to 5 at night, I go insane cleaning! Best time to do it :3 Good luck with your cleaning! Get that stuff done! :D And don't forget to reward yourself after! A nice, hot, steaming shower :3 or whatever you please.

I think after deep cleaning a whole house, a day-long trip to the spa is in order ;)

Oh goodness yes :D A spa day, hot shower, massage, a hot cup of tea with a book. A little me time is indeed in order!

Are you by any chance Monica Gellar-Bing?

You, sir, have an awesome beard! But remember; with great beard comes great responsibility.

I'm exactly the same every time my slob housemate leaves for a few days. It's the only chance I get to clean without them coming and ruining it half way through xD

That's so funny!!! My husband and children are away this week visiting my in-laws and I'm doing the exact same thing! I was so excited to be able to deep clean everything uninterrupted. I miss them terribly, but I'm so happy to have a thoroughly clean house.