By Herman - 25/02/2010 00:57 - France

Today, a guy at work told me to, "Relax, dude", All. Day. Long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 903
You deserved it 5 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is only an FML if you lost your cool at the end of the day and proceeded to beat him to a bloody pulp with a stapler, then ended up involved in 3-hour high speed cop chase on the internet, and are now posting from the iPhone you managed to hide in your rectum before being incarcerated, where you are currently waiting for a 6'5 man named Blondie to come in and 'show you a good time'.


Rickymonkeypants 0

"Relax I'm a doctor!" no but for real you should have toked that shit

relax I'm a rapist! no but really you shoulda cranked one right in that front tooth of his

im2good25 0
tweetbaby14 18

this isn't an fml. boohoo you were told to relax so your life is ******. uh no I think not. you are a dumb moron since you're so dumb I'm gonna **** your life by saying it now. relax dude.

xHabsfanx 0

@ 31 I bet it was a leafs fan. lol

if the people posting FMLs lives are that '******' I don't think they'd bother posting.

eat_this_buddie 5

if he was high, you should've smoked with him and relaxed.

mexicantumblewee 0

relax...dont do it dont make you want to go to it...

this is lame for an FML. ydi for not relaxing

@31...I totally agree...who the **** thought this was fml?? this is just ******* stupid...op was prob being a dick and was making the stoner paranoid...we are a very fragile species lol =_=

on another note...this makes me think of will ferrell in zoolander...RELAX....AND KILL THE PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA...rofl..lmmfao

xanniefiend420 0

@31 I was thinking the exact same thing but what If it's a girl? then it's funny

Swampsquatch 0

THAT is exactly what I was going to say... Who let this crap get through? Not an "FML" moment.

it's called **** My Life not **** My Day. stfu

I take it you should have listened to his advice

nolasaints 0

how is this a fml. you are a douche

ajrhockey5 0
im2good25 0

@ 132 I'm fully aware......but thanks for the useless post

xHabsfanx 0

Dude... this isn't an FML... you just need to relax dude...

muffinsareyummy 1

I see what you did there! Well played, Sir. We played.

Could it be because you spent all day bitching about stupid shit?

Can some one clarify the meaning of this FML?

yeah, I don't get it. what's so bad about that?>.>

If you're so upset about it that you need to post it as an fml, then maybe you do need to relax dude.

Hunter329 0

I think we need to know the context before voting.

Reyo 2

...I think I missed the part of this FML where your L gets F'ed.

paper_tigers 0

sounds like OP is a spaz and the relax dude guy was annoying him telling him to relax... sounds to me like OP should take the hint and relax dude

I like it. It's simple and real. And I imagine that if you asked him to stop, he'd just say, "whoa, chill out, brah. relax, dude."

I am extremely confused as to how this ended up here... Unless there's some other part to the story the OP didn't mention, this is just a very weird thing to post. O_o

Jordyn345 4

Yea mabye you just need to Relax, doesnt sound so much like an FML. I call girls dude all the time. who cares

doink 0

Your life is totally ******. Obviously.

This is only an FML if you lost your cool at the end of the day and proceeded to beat him to a bloody pulp with a stapler, then ended up involved in 3-hour high speed cop chase on the internet, and are now posting from the iPhone you managed to hide in your rectum before being incarcerated, where you are currently waiting for a 6'5 man named Blondie to come in and 'show you a good time'.

Oh no, snickers got her feelings hurt, double-win indeed!

pitbullmom 0

gotta love that prison picket......would that b considered leather?