By Mnm54312 - 04/07/2016 07:19 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I moved into a new apartment. While moving boxes, I ran into my supervisor from work. Guess who lives across the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 143
You deserved it 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, you can now carshare.

I guess you'll be supervised on your everyday life now!


theoldman 22

Unless you plan on calling off 'sick' all the time, I really don't see why this is a FML.

I guess you'll be supervised on your everyday life now!

I hope not. If my supervisor lived near me and did that, I'd quit. No need to put up with that mess.

I don't really see how this is an FML unless you two don't have a good working relationship. Hope things aren't too bad for you OP!

What are you gunna do? Smoke weed and get wasted on week nights? This really isn't that much of an fml.

On the plus side, you can now carshare.

Your supervisor from work? That's my best guess

He was answering the last question in the FML to be "funny". #11

Rammer3500 23

Perfect chance to carpool!

My supervisor is actually pretty chill. As much as we get along, seeing him everyday outside of work as well as in /would/ be kind of taxing. I get it.

That's not necessarily a bad thing