By Kingofbosses - 22/08/2013 05:31 - United States

Today, I moved into my university dorm a week before classes start. Everyone kept giving me weird looks as they watched me move my stuff in. Finally, one of my dorm mates asked me if I knew that school had actually started last week. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 486
You deserved it 16 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sucks. I hope you'll be able to catch up with your classes

BubbleGrunge 18

Way to make a grand entrance OP! Now, buckle down, you've missed a lot of work!


This actually sounds like me. I would often show up to empty rooms to take a test cause it was the day before. Maybe start carrying a planner and check it religiously.

That's a terrible way to start off college. Sorry OP, hope you catch up though.

You are ******. Do you think any of the Profs.will believe you were dumb enough to miss entrance by a week? Go home and wait until next semester.

So you missed Welcome Week AND the first week of classes? FYL so hard, but also a YDI. Should have made sure!

neverfear 6

That sucks but how do you not know... They usually post it online

At my school if you miss the first day of any class they automatically drop you I hope for your sake that it's not like that at yours but, I think you should pay more attention to important days like that I say ydi.

Ouch, maybe you should get a calendar and mark things down

Steve95401 49

If you're smart enough to go to a university, you should also be smart enough to read the school's calendar.

YDI. There would have been plenty of info about when classes were starting. If you couldn't figure that out how do you expect to do well in Uni?

Just tell people u just now registered. But talk to the office and tell them what happened. I missed my first week but my teachers had given us the class schedule plus homework before classes even start. So I was done with my first 3 weeks of work before the first day.