By TrailerTrash - 20/03/2009 23:34 - United States

Today, I had artfully managed to avoid anyone knowing that I was moving into a trailer park. I showed up at the trailer where all my friends, co-workers, and exes were waiting. My parents knew I was feeling down and wanted to throw me a surprise 'moving in' party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 468
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In a lot of areas, such as the one I live in, trailer parks are not very nice places to live. In these areas, those stereotypes are actually true the vast majority of the time. I can see why (if the OP lives somewhere like this) he/she might not have wanted people to know. And it's not about cheap living. There's often a reason that it's cheap -- it's a bad place to live.


Allison_H 0

the parents were just trying to be nice, I don't really see how this is an FML.

Two things. 1 why aren't your parents embarassed that they can't make a living and had to move to a trailer park. 2 #64 because its a ******* trailer park

Can someone translate #64's comment into English?

Think of it this way, at least you wouldn't need to avoid anyone, since everyone knows you live in a trailer.

Wow. Judgemental jackass much? You whine and cry that you're moving into a trailer park, acting embarassed. What is the big deal? Cheap living? Oh no! You poor little baby, you're living within your means! ;-; You care WAY too much what other people think, and at the same time you're WAY too judgemental, so it doubles back on you.

That’s easy to say in the south but where I’m from the trailer parks are worse than the ghettos

In a lot of areas, such as the one I live in, trailer parks are not very nice places to live. In these areas, those stereotypes are actually true the vast majority of the time. I can see why (if the OP lives somewhere like this) he/she might not have wanted people to know. And it's not about cheap living. There's often a reason that it's cheap -- it's a bad place to live.

Ahahaha, I totally read your name as "transvestite"

SarahSehhati 40

I thought so too!!!! I had to read it again after your comment to check!

So what if it's a bad place to live? If you've got friends who are going to look down on you for things you cannot help, then something si wrong. Fact of the matter is that these people tehy avoided so that they wouldn't know about it? They all showed up for a party to make them feel better, and they were completely in the wrong for assuming they'd be judgemental about it. Simply put, when people are worried others will look down on them? It's usually because they themselves are judgemental as heck and would look down on someone similar to them. And they're usually wrong.

Even exes? Ouch. To #3: Most of the trailer parks around me are filled with crime and aren't nice places to live, so no, I wouldn't be celebrating about living there either. That's not being judgmental, it's just a fact. D:

What's wrong with that? At least your family and friends are looking out for you.

mehwhateverr 0

Your parents had good intentions. :/

if they're there to throw you a party to celebrate you moving in, i don't see why this is a problem.

just. tell everyone that their ur aunt and uncle