By akward - 04/09/2009 17:36 - United States

Today, I began my job as an intern at a high school. I saw one of the students looked very familiar, and I couldn't remember from where. Then I figured it out, I had hooked up with him at a club last week. He's a junior in high school, I'm in my last year of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 164
You deserved it 52 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mexicanmike 0

You just confessed to statutory rape. Now you can say FML.


Maybe you should reassess your career options, you cradle robber

well_this_sucks 0

how can she be teaching when she can't spell awkward..?

blargity 0

i agree with #60 and she isn't necessarily a **** #64 it could happen in real life too #67 she's only interning and not really teaching and she may have posted this when she was really tired or she doesn't care if she spell thing incorrectly and does know how to spell "awkward" and you're an judgmental assuming bastard

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You're right. Fake. Fake IDentification. It's not a new concept or anything.

YDI for being such a **** and sucking everyone's dick at clubs u ****

Not a FYL, Congrats - when I was 23 I hooked up with a 18 yr old. Damn that was good sex. And at 28 dated a 20 yr old, they can go on forever. And yes I'm a woman, so sure call me a ****. At least I enjoy live. Anyone that sees something wrong with this, don't matter to me. All I know is you, sadly, missed out on some pontentially great sex.

yea this ain't an FML, some dudes like me like older girls. my girl is 25 and i'm 17, no one cares

well_this_sucks 0

lol blargity chill out i was just saying, not assuming haha have a sense of humor

She has horrible, horrible grammar skills. I wouldn't want this woman anywhere near an educational facility unless it's the hooked on phonics center for cradle-robbing super tramps and she is there as a student.

Jack_4194 1

If you like sleeping with 18 year olds, fine great, but then teaching high school is the wrong career path.

atention all FMLers who cares about the ****

PillowMonster8 0

have you ever heard of lying & fake ID's ?? I happens all the time so she isn't really to blame so much ad the person checking ID's & the kid for lying

It's called a fake ID.. The kid could've easily looked older

This one isn't about preferences it's about rape...

Legally your a child predator now, and have to inform everyone in your neighborhood.

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she was probably drunk till stupid lol.

There's also the posibility that the student is an older than average junior, like 18, 19 or more...

Idonebeenhad 17

Or he just looked older than he really was^

Well doesnt this sound kinda like Pretty Little Liars? Aria and ezra?

Unregistered 0

lmao wow a junior in high school can get into a club? is he a ******* 6 foot black guy with chin hair?

screwtaylor 0

Uh, no. I know tons of juniors that look old enough to get into clubs. They're mostly girls though: tons of makeup and skimpy outfits usually does the trick.

Editted because this one I replied to the wrong post.

Unregistered 0

lmao i was saying how ******* ridiculous it sounded that a junior got into a club

Best advice-don't accidently do it again and get glasses.

mexicanmike 0

You just confessed to statutory rape. Now you can say FML.

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#26, I do not believe you understand what "Statutory rape" is. Please, look it up before making yourself look like a jackass.

x911emergencyy 0

Uhm, just so you know, if someone is 16 or older, they can have a partner up to 24 years of age. Juniors mostly start the year at 17, and people in their last years of college are usually 22.

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Um, I was (and tons of people are) 17 when they are juniors, at least for part of the junior year. THIRTEEN!? Really?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Where I am, if someone is 16 the oldest partner they can have is 20 so it really depends where you are from, could be rape, could not be rape. And I would really like to meet this 13 year old junior... I knew a 13 year old freshman but thats normal-ish

rwarlol 0

different states have different law. new york if you're 17 it's legal. some states if you're 16 you're not a minor anymore so it's ok. to me that's still young but i don't live there so whatever. for florida if he's 16 or 17 and you are 18-23 then it's legal.

rwarlol 0

statutory rape doesn't cover just sex. getting on any base with a minor is illegal. like i said florida have 16 and over and under 23 so it's not illegal.

college wiz kids: four foot tall monstrosities of intellect advanced far beyond their borderline pubescent outer shells

Since when can you be 13 and a junior? I don't think so.

DareToDream7 0

Exactly, juniors are also known as grade 11's in canada and I'm going into grade 11 this year, all of my friends are 16, I'm 15 but that's because I skipped a year. Juniors aren't 18 or 19, nor are they 13 or 14. But nice try.

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Lol, when I first read this I thought it said she "hooked up with him in high school" meaning he's been failing school all these years and she's seeing him again while she's a senior in college. Anywaysss. Let's hope your internship doesn't require you to be around him too much. That would be quite the scandal if word got around that "the intern" hooked up with one of "the students."

rhcpfan 0

lmao, people u meet at clubs are hardly ever honest. maybe u shouldn't be so quick to jump into bed with someone u don't know. ...or...did u not have that talk about getting to know each other at all and it was like a one-night-stand thing? lol. i think you deserve it for being slutty, but at the same time FYL, too because you have to see him at school.