By Kingofbosses - 22/08/2013 05:31 - United States

Today, I moved into my university dorm a week before classes start. Everyone kept giving me weird looks as they watched me move my stuff in. Finally, one of my dorm mates asked me if I knew that school had actually started last week. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 486
You deserved it 16 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sucks. I hope you'll be able to catch up with your classes

BubbleGrunge 18

Way to make a grand entrance OP! Now, buckle down, you've missed a lot of work!


A lot of you keep saying he probably got dropped from classes so he wasted a semester or go home & try again next semester.Its really not that serious.He could enroll in different classes or even the same classes but with different professors, you have late enrollment and time to drop classes & pick up different classes without penalty for at least a week.Its not the end of his college career.Some of you are such drama queens.

hookumsnivy 6

Not everyone is meant to go to college. I would take it as a sign and save your money (or is it your parents' money?). You obviously aren't cut out for it if you mess up something like that so badly.

Goblin182 26

If OP can't remember when he is supposed to start, he's gonna have a hard time in the work world too.

I don't understand why this is serious. Last year i missed the first three weeks of University(I was pretty seriously ill) but all the same i had no problem catching up. But i suppose my uni does an awful lot of online uploading, including classes/projects/etc so we are lucky in that respect. Maybe its harder to catch up elsewhere?

crisanba 18

Sounds like my locker days all over again

Maybe next time you should make sure you have the days correct. lol.

Not really a big deal, they never teach anything in the first week anyway

What?! Which college have you been going to? In my experience, professors start teaching the day the course begins, or the second day of the course, if you're lucky.

I think it's about 6.75 days too late to use the fashionably late excuse..

martin8337 35

King of bosses future career, Middle management. Never having a clue what's happening, when, or why. Congrats bro! You will be someone's boss!