By Chelsea - 02/04/2012 17:31 - United States

Today, I met a really attractive guy outside of a club. We came back to my apartment and had sex. Afterward, we both fell asleep. I woke up and found 20 dollars on my nightstand that wasn't there before. He thought I was a prostitute, and apparently a cheap one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 416
You deserved it 38 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crunchy_fml 0


AntiChrist7 0

he must have his reasons. rethink your clothing. YDI

Haha, people calling her (I'm assuming it's a her, could have been two men for all we know) a **** are stupid. He had sex with a person he had just met outside of a club! If she's a ****, so is he!

No shit! Did you come up with that one on your own?! Tell us more!

Why is it FYL? You were doing it for free. He is the one out 20 bucks, FHL!

sara942 0

You picked a guy up off the street, outside of a club, and brought him back to your place and had sex with him. What didn't you do that qualifies you as any better than a prostitute? As for the people who are like "if this was a guy, he wouldn't be getting a hard time about this": Um yeah, it's still gross. If I wanted to date the guy and I knew he liked picking up random girls on the street for sex, I'd definitely think twice.

Kandy, what are you rambling about? 1.)There are girls also claiming that she's a ***** so your whole 'oh lawd this is a sexist duble standurds' shit doesn't even make sense. 2.)It seems that only douchy fratboys are the ones that go "yooooooooooooo man you scored high five!!!". I don't know any other guys that would actually do that. 3.)Even the idiots that would do that wouldn't congratulate him on picking up what he thought was a hooker. 106. I'm 98% certain "Chelsea" is a female. And everyone else, where does it say that the people insulting her think the guy was right? He's not the one whining on FML about it.

Oh, damn..... can I have my money back?

lolyouareanidiot 0

#98 and #99. I am no religious freak, I couldn't care less what the Bible has to say about sex. She is still Ms. Rotten Crotch. I will continue to judge her, because she is McNasty.

WOW, you guys are bitches. WHO THE **** CARES THAT SHE SLEPT AROUND? When you're at a club, shit happens. And that's just how it goes. Period. I would like to say, atleast it wasn't a five dollar bill. THAT would be a fyl. Twenty isn't much better, but its a bit of a profit. I am assuming you got no stis or other infections of the sort from this "hook up."

that's why you don't have sex with complete strangers.