By [SiMON] - 06/01/2009 09:51 - France

Today, I invited a girl I really like to spend the afternoon at my place. Everything went great... with my sister. They became really good friends, and me, well, I tried to alleviate my boredom in front of my computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 091
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

buffalosaurus 0

No no no, this is a good thing! She'll be over at your house more, your sister will approve, and you pretty much won brownie points for having a cool family. You win.


Happened to me, my sister, my brother, and his girlfriend.

buffalosaurus 0

No no no, this is a good thing! She'll be over at your house more, your sister will approve, and you pretty much won brownie points for having a cool family. You win.