By Chelsea - 02/04/2012 17:31 - United States

Today, I met a really attractive guy outside of a club. We came back to my apartment and had sex. Afterward, we both fell asleep. I woke up and found 20 dollars on my nightstand that wasn't there before. He thought I was a prostitute, and apparently a cheap one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 416
You deserved it 38 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crunchy_fml 0


flyhigh26 0

Well you had a one night stand with a random guy from outside a club. You kind of deserved it.

You kind of deserved that one. You just had sex with some strange guy you barely know. He could've had anything! But hey... at least you're 20 bucks richer I suppose.

well ******* random people is one step away from being a prostitute, so he was probably just helping you getting your career started. enjoy your new life, ***** and #3.. shes probably gonna put that $20 towards AIDS research

pinkducttape 0

hey - everyones allowed to make a mistake - and remember everyone who has left a comment here - should make sure their finger is clean before they point it at anyone.

Mine are. I just showered and sanitized my phone.

vaishr 0 he's probably been with hookers before. do you have any new warts? i'd check if i were you.

I hope you used protection, a guy who uses hookers probably has STD's. You might want to rethink taking one night stands to your house as well. A friend of mine got robbed by a guy she brought home from a club

bigrederin 0

If I were a guy, and I went home with a girl who goes home with guys she meets at bars, I'd probably pay her too. Don't be a ****.