By bedrockmike - 28/01/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I broke, shoveled, and salted the ice covering my entire driveway. The size is roughly 8 cars' worth, and took me two hours of back-breaking effot to clear. I completely forgot that it was supposed to rain later today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 578
You deserved it 19 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Acually ur smart that u did that because the rain would have made the ice even worse! I've made that mistake before!

Rain would have made it heavier. At some point you'd have to shovel it


Yuuki_chan_fml 0

Haha yeah it does. I live in Michigan and we get that kinda ice every-so-often :3

at the top of the post it says Maryland, it's not MI

Acually ur smart that u did that because the rain would have made the ice even worse! I've made that mistake before!

kfred987 0

Erm... This was posted on 1/28/09. Look at the dates, dipshit...

icantellu 7

haha oh God. Maryland was soooo bad in the winter.

starberries 0

Maryland isn't in New England.