Surprise surprise!

By Middle Age Divorced Dad - 26/01/2023 08:00 - Canada - Kanata

Today, my girlfriend's parents have been having issues with her older brother and her mom called to say she was flying over to stay with my girlfriend. I'm twice my girlfriend's age and she hasn't told her parents about me. She also sublet out her apartment and we have been living together for over a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 350
You deserved it 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Almost no one flies to a distant city to get away from one of their children. It’s not impossible, but I suspect this is really intended as an inspection tour of their daughter - Your worries may well be justified… It’s not your duty to introduce yourself to girlfriend’s parents - It’s her duty to tell them about you. If girlfriend is under the age of 18, you have a potential problem on your hands. If she’s 18 or older (in the USA) then she’s legally an adult and recognized as able to conduct her own life regardless of what her parents think… You need to talk to girlfriend and find out why she’s been reluctant to introduce or acknowledge you to her parents so you know what to expect when her mom gets there.

They'll probably be happy to have a contemporary help them wrangle the brother. It'd be harder if they had to deal with another person from their daughter's generation.


If she can’t tell her parents, she’s too young (at least in her mind) to be with you…. YDI

So he ought to call an ultimatum: tell your parents or I'll dump you? Her not telling her parents might have nothing to do with his age.

Gee, I wonder why she didn't tell her parents she's dating a guy practically the same age as them?

Sugar Daddy! If she won't tell them, then you are her tool, not lover.

Almost no one flies to a distant city to get away from one of their children. It’s not impossible, but I suspect this is really intended as an inspection tour of their daughter - Your worries may well be justified… It’s not your duty to introduce yourself to girlfriend’s parents - It’s her duty to tell them about you. If girlfriend is under the age of 18, you have a potential problem on your hands. If she’s 18 or older (in the USA) then she’s legally an adult and recognized as able to conduct her own life regardless of what her parents think… You need to talk to girlfriend and find out why she’s been reluctant to introduce or acknowledge you to her parents so you know what to expect when her mom gets there.

They'll probably be happy to have a contemporary help them wrangle the brother. It'd be harder if they had to deal with another person from their daughter's generation.

Wickedwildjoker6 2

Did the older brother also think a fire extinguisher was whipped cream?