By RockedSystem - 22/04/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I had to give a massage to an obese person with rank smelling fungus growing in between their skin folds. They tipped me two dollars. My hands still smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 481
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Gross...that's why I will never be a masseuse


Hmm not all obese people over eat #78, genetics can be a wonderful thing or a horrible curse in some cases. Interesting fact though, obese people can live a year without eating if they wanted to. I dont recommend it though. Normal weight people can live about 30-45 days with no food. Anyways OP fyl. I feel sorry for you, that does not sound pleasant. I agree with the shower idea mentioned.

#11 you made me laugh soooo hard. Haha that was great. And I agree, FYL. That sucks sooo much. Seriously. And only 2 dollars? WTF?

rocket9 0

hahah #30 I KNOW he is fuucked that is disgusting and he has poor hygiene

and #88 ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay so #11 and #88 are my heroes.

Osakhomen 0

I'm fat and don't stink or have fungus growing on my skin! If you think I'm disgusting just because I'm fat, whatever, sounds like you have some issues, and need to take care of them.

rocket9 0
Funtertaining11 0

But man, that's gross. #60, LOL!

Jessyca_fml 0

Wow it sucks to be in a place where you can't really turn a customer away. :/

pencilmustache 0

#11 is right. You could have refused to put up with that.