By RockedSystem - 22/04/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I had to give a massage to an obese person with rank smelling fungus growing in between their skin folds. They tipped me two dollars. My hands still smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 480
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Gross...that's why I will never be a masseuse


0 3

If you are a masseuse, then you can't complain because that's your job.

i made an account just to say this. #2 if you're gonna ******* say, "who give's a shit" why even post? making such a crybaby response if you don't care. if you dont "give" a shit, then stfu. it is honestly annoying beyond shit that people will cry about someone's post on FML. if you DONT CARE, move the HELL ON with your life. and yes, i do care. people are you are douchebags who are busy bodies who need to say the littlest of shit because you can't deal with it. this fml isnt an fml, or it IS an fml, but i'm an asshole and i think YDI anyways, or i dont give a shit, but i'm going to be hypocritical and complain about it. BOO HOO. STFU. to OP. i'm sorry, i don't see who you deserve it, fyl.

No, no way! I wouldn't have done it, the customer is not always right! Hell no, she shouldn't have to suffer just because people live their lives in unhealthy ways...GROSS Note to all who are obese, if you are not going to make an effort to lose weight at least learn how to cleanse yourselves properly!

acertijo 0

omg :/ I totally agree with #62.

snoopy24_fml 0
RiverRelic 0

You know, I'd like to believe most really fat people are aware of how others see them and try to go out of the way to not let their fat affect other's lives. They'll do things like avoid getting on a crowded elevator or wear clothes way too tight, or put on a speedo or bikini at the pool. But then, you get those few who find some sick pleasure in making you squirm. Those fat people should be hunted down.

anyone mad at you for posting this, saying you're a whiner... are clearly fat ***** who need to lay off the cheese burgers... this is beyond disgusting

Mirranduhh 0

Definitely FYL. That is so disgusting. Im sorry you ahd to put up with that. As to people putting all obese people into one category, go jump in a hole. Some obese problems are actual health things that they can not change no matter how much they work out. Just because one person can not cleanse themselves doesnt mean they all cant. Idiots

what did you expect when you became a massage therapist? all hot 20 year olds?

Kickinchicken213 3