Wipe out

By Rick - 24/05/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, my house was set on fire, courtesy of my ex-girlfriend, who found out that I have a new girlfriend. Most of our belongings are now reduced to ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 622
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Press charges - That’s a felony and people could have died!

I hope the ex's ass is going to jail for arson


I know personally the loss of fire. That totally Sucks. And as that is arson, have the ex locked up.

Press charges - That’s a felony and people could have died!

SaltyBlarog 6

depending on the jurisdiction, you may also be able to sue for damages in civil court. obviously wouldn't replace anything sentimental, but you may want to look into it

I hope the ex's ass is going to jail for arson

Were you seeing both girls at once, aka cheating? If so, yeah, you deserve her wrath but not necessarily in that form. If you did nothing wrong and it was just a breakup, then she's acting like a jealous psychopath and you should absolutely press charges.

it clearly states its a ex and the ex set the fire because they found out they had a new girlfriend so no cheating happened

Who are the « they » you’re talking about?

Can one of the YDI pressers please explain?