By foreseeingabreakup - 06/09/2011 04:42 - United States

By foreseeingabreakup - 06/09/2011 04:42 - United States
By DearLord - 03/04/2020 23:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 06:43 - United States
By KBL3 - 11/08/2010 09:16 - United States
By RBergman - 25/04/2015 20:05 - United States - Basin
By Anonymous - 30/07/2021 04:01 - Australia
By Not true - 18/07/2016 02:56 - United States
By WoofWoof - 27/09/2020 14:01 - Pakistan - Islamabad
By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/07/2015 20:51 - United States
By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco
Social retardation is a problem. Can be cured though I think..
24- it was, I might get real horny and wet and I'd make you do me in public, and that's why he did it again
Give him a nice backhand to the wingdings next time he does it
The only real cure is a blunt object to the back of the head and a shovle... or at the very least castration so that his genes doesn't infect the world.
Some of the posters are mad blowing this out of proportion or just don't like ******. The bf is just petting his pussy, no harm done.
I just don't like your comment.
Oh my, that's gross. And why is he doing that? Does he have any explanation for that?
win win win win
We have a winner
24- You are really awesome..
Not that I think it's okay or appropriate, but if my bf did that to me in public I would probably get a little horny and start acting frisky myself. Though.. there is a time and a place for everything. I would definitely rather him do it discreetly if we were in public.
You're boyfriend is way too embarrassing :) threaten him playfully
I meant 'your' ...
Saved yourself from a bitchy grammar nazi :)
Damn it, #2. I'll get you next time. I will be back.
NAZI'S UNITE!!'re talking about a different type of nazi,huh? Shit.
141, I'm afraid you're not invited to the grammar Nazi party, as you misused that apostrophe. :(
Grab his dick in public then !! :)
That wouldn't faze him in the slightest...?
I don't think you've thought that through, it makes her look like a ****..
Lois from family guy.... how can u NOT know that!?
Probably because family guy is stupid.
Lay off the explanation. A solid kick to his right-nut might just do the trick.
Why not left nut?
because I already called left nut.
Diagnosis: Stupid!
Can be contagious and highly infectious if left untreated!
I disagree with your picture
I agree that your picture is so true cause this country is a toilet.
#103 That's cause your a fuc*ing moron. So shut the fuc* up(:
You MUST be single with that attitude...
Seriously, unless he's 40, give it a rest! Young couples are to act like that, unless she's a prude. In that case do him a favor and dump him so he can find a girl who enjoys that kind of attention.
Young couples like to grab each other's ******'s in public? I've never seen that
This is why your alone and ugly
^^ haha you can see her ugly through the light wash in her photo!
Young or not. It's just not okay to grab at a vaj in public!? She's not a prude she just has class.
Dont deprive a man of his natural desires!
Social retardation is a problem. Can be cured though I think..
Grab his dick in public then !! :)