Next, on The Jerry Springer Show…

By DearLord - 03/04/2020 23:00 - Canada

Today, I had to explain to my boss that masturbating in public is inappropriate. This isn't the first time this has taken place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 061
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it’s time to explain to the police that your boss is committing a crime; and time to explain to HR that he is sexually harassing you. It’s not the first time it happened because you didn’t do anything the first time it happened. P.S. He already knew it was inappropriate. He just thought he could get away with it ...and he was right!

What is he? THREE?! Anonymous tell his boss - if at possible ... else send an anonymous letter via USPS telling him of same and sign it with a female name(?). Good luck!


I think it’s time to explain to the police that your boss is committing a crime; and time to explain to HR that he is sexually harassing you. It’s not the first time it happened because you didn’t do anything the first time it happened. P.S. He already knew it was inappropriate. He just thought he could get away with it ...and he was right!

Never explain anything to your boss. "Speaking truth to power" is a career-limiting move.

Is your boss Louis CK or Matt Lauer? More than one guy has lost his job because he thought it was okay to wank in front of his female employees. And isn't this the sort of thing guys should learn when they're teenagers?

What is he? THREE?! Anonymous tell his boss - if at possible ... else send an anonymous letter via USPS telling him of same and sign it with a female name(?). Good luck!

bloopaloop 27

Is this because he caught you masterbating somewhere you thought didn’t count as in public?