The bobs and vagene guy

By Anonymous - 30/07/2021 04:01 - Australia

Today, ever since I let my boyfriend touch my boobs, he thinks it's appropriate to grope me whenever he feels like it. Even talking to him about it doesn't seem to stop him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 110
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him immediately. Boundaries and consent are one of the most important parts of relationships, outside of compatibility and communication. Get out now.

Seriously. This. Groping you without your consent is sexual assault. He'll move on to rape as soon as he feels he can get away with it. Get away now.


Plot twist: both people in this story are in their 40s.

Leave him immediately. Boundaries and consent are one of the most important parts of relationships, outside of compatibility and communication. Get out now.

Seriously. This. Groping you without your consent is sexual assault. He'll move on to rape as soon as he feels he can get away with it. Get away now.

That'll teach you not to date a 12-years old!

sixxis 7

Wait, I can't touch my girl's boobs anytime I want? Why have a girl then? Might as well break up, FOH!

No. You can't. Touch yourself whenever you want. You can't touch someone else without their consent.

sixxis 7

This is the most ridiculous FML yet. I guess he can't wake you up with morning sex either? Needs to make an appointment for some head? Might as well break up, become friends.

rotflqtms_ 21

Either this is sarcasm or you're 12. Women have a right to their own body's and if we don't want someone to touch us, we have a right to refuse. You being her boyfriend doesn't grant you unlimited access to her body. She isn't a thing you can just do with whatever you please. She is a human being. She has the right to say no, or to say yes and change her mind. You seem rapey. You need to check your attitude before it gets you in trouble.

Yes, consent is very important. But if your boyfriend touching any part of you bothers you at any time, you need to re-evaluate whether you want to be in a relationship with that person (or potentially any person) at all.

Let other men grope you in public, and see if he understands why it's inappropriate?

Vesi 29

I have little advice for OP other than push his hand away until he gets it or leave him.. but I feel that whoever titled this FML has been in imgur entirely too long. =)

Clearly he is just a victim of epics boobs.

break up with him he won't have to complain about it more. He needs to learn boundaries