By paprikarulz - 01/07/2009 10:31 - Australia

Today, I got an email from a guy to whom I sold my old phone to over eBay. Turns out I forgot to delete the nude photos of myself and my boyfriend that I had stored up. His email asked me for "any PIN numbers needed to use the phone, and oh by the way, nice tits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 370
You deserved it 76 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments


umm yea, you're an idiot. theres no two ways about it. You completely deserved what you got for being stupid and not deleting your whorish pics.....I put naughty pics on my phone/camera too but atleast I have common sense enough to delete them when my parents etc need to use my camera.

Well, at least he complimented you. It could've been "oh and you have saggy ****.'

mojomojo_fml 5

I agree with #1, but she can't post the pics... cuz they were on the phone... which is no longer in her possession :( Hopefully, the guy who bought the phone visits FML... SIMILAR thing happened to me, except it wasn't because of *my* carelessness. I had an old phone in my room that had pics and videos of my GF and me; my mom (without asking) gave it to a relative that broke his phone. I'd say FML, but when I stole it back, it had pics of *his* GF! :-D

mcsnelly 5

OH MY GOD I HATE people who say "pics or it didn't happen" on every FML that has something to do with being naked!! IT'S ANNOYING!!

I think it's "**** or GTFO" is their Rule. Anyways, that sucks. Perhaps you should remove any personal information from your devices before you send them out.

Kyothine 0

I'm going to reply to the first post to get my comment on the top, even though my comment has nothing to do with the first one!

gigi_bella 0

You guys got together and hooked up after the fact, correct?

fearthesteer 2

Next time, make sure you delete everything, idiot.

I_ate_pikachu 0

I know! How the hell do you forget something like that? If I had nude pics on my phone, I would be too afraid to let anyone even hold it! D:

Seriously, how do u forget to Master reset the phone. Smh.

And this is why I don't even take any nude pictures. It makes way for mistakes. You NEVER know who could get their hands on something like that. You should be happy he didn't threaten to post those pictures all over the Internet unless you gave him money or something.

Not too smart. Think deleting nudes of yourself is common knowledge. YDI

You didn't have the common courtesy to do a factory reset on the phone? That's generally what you do before selling electronics containing personal info.

NGM_47 0

I like the way he just slipped in the last part casually, lol....but yes, FYL and a YDI for not deleting the both!!

shewasalmost18 0

im assuming that he also liked the pictures of your boyfriend's shlong

iambatman123 0

Good thing you have nice ****, cause you don't sound too bright.

bskballa92 0

I bet that's the most he's ever paid for ****.

justme8977 0

oh my. you win the award for best comment of the day. i just put it in the mail.