Traditional values

By Anonymous - 29/06/2020 23:01

Today, the seemingly normal guy I've been dating for a while told me he is a wolf spirit in a human body to bridge the gap of his ancestors and humans. What?! FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 417
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you’re a from a family of vampires and cannot be compatible with him.

Eh, finding someone normal is hard. If the worst thing about him is he's a wolf spirit I'd say that beats getting back on tinder.


crashtestdumplin 16

I'm native American, and usually people that say things like this are usually caucasian

Allsmash123 10

No that’s not what Natives believe in. He’s just delusional

I am named after an animal. People ask me if i am native american all the time. I have wavy brown hair, pale skin, a full beard, and am obviously a caucasian european. I don's understand white people either.

Tell him you’re a from a family of vampires and cannot be compatible with him.

Test him and see if he likes belly rubs. Ask him, "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? " and if he can't answer, he's not a real wolf.

This guy is not a dog. You need lots of patience and treats to get him to respond to "Who's a good boy?", let alone stopping him from pissing all over the toilet bowl. Then, when he responds to the rewards, you may move on to sit, stay and heel.

Eh, finding someone normal is hard. If the worst thing about him is he's a wolf spirit I'd say that beats getting back on tinder.

to be fair normal is pretty basic and boring. plus I don't think anyone is really completely normal, you just have to find your level of abnormal

bloopaloop 27

Cocaine is a hell of a drug!

katydid91 31

Dated a guy like that once. My advice for you: Get out of that relationship! It will lead to nowhere good.

OH wait, I've seen this one! More of his people will turn if vampires are near. Please be team Jacob so we can see how this plays out lol

ojoRojo 27

Still a better love story than Twi— oh wait.

TinScarecrow 15

Are you kidding me, here? If the guy had said he was a woman y'all would be calling OP a monster for not understanding and correcting pronouns left and right. Being a wolf is equally unrealistic, but suddenly you guys forget your tolerance. Pick a side. Either it's all weird or none of it is

bl3ur0z3 17

You heard him. He's a wolf spirit in a human body to bridge the gap between his ancestors and humans. He couldn't have been any clearer. At least he's not a zombie. That would be awkward, always trying to eat your brains and shit.