By BoredRunner42 - 07/09/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had a great time with a girl I liked. I asked her out and she said yes. She also said she cuts herself and if I ever broke up with her, I'll be responsible for her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 629
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Break up with her right there! Thats so unfair for her to just put all of that pressure on you


**** gettin help for her, crazy girls are AMAZING in bed. And if she's not that good looking, she'll try extra hard! You should just hit that with the fist of an angry god. WIN


Do you like her, or think she's really ******* hot? Emo chicks are usually hot. But seriously, I hate chicks who think their life sucks, so they cry and cut themselves. They should just get the **** over it. So **** her and then do the world a favor by dumping her.

firenighthawk 3

four words YOUR LIFE IS ******!!!!!! sucks for you dude

i would have said then your dumped and walked away what she does is not your doing sorry you got a that

Silverill 0

I don't think you'd get jail if you break up with her since even if you're responsible it's not like you did the killing part.

Bunny boiler alert!! Run like hell my son, and NEVER look back!!