By OhGeez - 08/06/2009 19:41 - Canada

Today, I got hypnotized at my school's variety show. Apparently, when asked to do something I enjoy doing, I began to violently hump the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 018
You deserved it 22 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, that sucks. At least you didn't call out someone's name like your mom's, dog's, sister's etc...

that must have been awkward afterwards :)


not sure if this is true at all but its ******* hilarious

aclockworkapple 0

YDI because stage hypnosis is just that--a stage show, not real hypnosis. It relies on the willingness of the participants to let their inhibitions go and put on a show for the audience (making the joke on them, essentially). It's kind of like how tipsy or somewhat drunk people are willing to be extremely social and do things they generally wouldn't, not just because of the alcohol itself but BECAUSE they are drinking and can act strange without everyone thinking they're a lunatic.

aclockworkapple 0

YDI because stage hypnosis is just that--a stage show, not real hypnosis. It relies on the willingness of the participants to let their inhibitions go and put on a show for the audience (making the joke on them, essentially). It's kind of like how tipsy or somewhat drunk people are willing to be extremely social and do things they generally wouldn't, not just because of the alcohol itself but BECAUSE they are drinking and can act strange without everyone thinking they're a lunatic. So, not "fake" per se, but exaggerated.

Twin_Uzis 0

I'll say it again, because I said nothing insulting and nothing worth moderating my comment over: Fake because hypnotism isn't real.

Who the **** approved this? Did the guy just set up 50 billion fake accounts so he could approve it? WHat a boring waste of life, it's even worse than this shitty story. At least write something interesting about raep and **** or biting the heads off babies or something.

#199, did you forget your medication this morning? If you "don't take med's", you should try some. You might find that you have more friends and less concusions. We are so TERRIBLY sorry that you don't approve of our selections, so we shall just bow at your feet and praise your superiority in apology. If you want to post a story about biting baby's heads off, be my guest, but expect some form of police/ asylum representatives at your door. =)

HAHAHAHAHH .... HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAH! Lol, You deserved that one.