By OhGeez - 08/06/2009 19:41 - Canada

Today, I got hypnotized at my school's variety show. Apparently, when asked to do something I enjoy doing, I began to violently hump the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 018
You deserved it 22 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, that sucks. At least you didn't call out someone's name like your mom's, dog's, sister's etc...

that must have been awkward afterwards :)


oh man, that sucks. i went to a hypnotist show my freshman year, but the guy said he makes a special effort not to make anybody do embarassing shit. guess you weren't so lucky

I've been doing hypnosis for two years now. It DOES work. On everyone. You just have to find the right methods. Also, if you don't want to be hypnotized, or you're trying to prove the hypnotist wrong you won't get hypnotized. I'm seen worse reactions. This one lady actually began to **********... in front of a high school audience. The crowd went wild, of course, but I had to end it there.

ow hypnotist accutaly work never beleived that till now

Uber_G33k 0

Whooooa! Hypnotism works? I probably would have shoved my hand down my pants and started jacking off, but even that pales in comparison to... humping the friggin' FLOOR!?

haha you like getting laid, no probs with that, but yes definatly embarressing because you dont remmeber while a buncha people sat there and laughed at you haha

For those of you who laughed at #23, he got it from iRobot.

#169, I'm sure that being 14 has really taught you alot about the world and you probably know SO much more about "This kind of stuff."

sunray 0
MyGuiltyPleasure 0

#184 I am glad I am not the only one who knew this was from a movie. Why do people try to get attention when they know people will notice this is not true.