
By Embarrassing - 26/06/2021 13:59 - Canada

Today, I was hypnotized and talked into telling everyone truths about myself at a show my family and I went to. I don't know what I said. All I know is that my family laughs whenever I'm near them. They won't tell me what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 957
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

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Some can be hypnotized. I have a friend who smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 10 years never lift another cigarette after getting hypnotized. I also went to a show with some friends and one of them was hypnotized and acted like a 3 yr old for over 30 minutes on stage.


Some can be hypnotized. I have a friend who smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 10 years never lift another cigarette after getting hypnotized. I also went to a show with some friends and one of them was hypnotized and acted like a 3 yr old for over 30 minutes on stage.

Have a trusted friend hypnotize you and ask you what you told them and they can tell you, if it works!